(2) Finding your way around the interface
by Thomas Radeke, 2006-04-16 16:25:00
(2.1) The Main Panel (2006-04-18 12:57:00)
(2.2) The Output Options Panel (2006-04-18 12:57:00)
(2.3) The Playlist Panel (2006-04-18 12:57:00)
(2.4) The Info Window (2006-04-19 20:15:00)

First start

When you first start XMPlay, you will be greeted by the ReadMe and a dialog box telling you to "RTFM". After you close these, you will see something similar to this:

XMPlay with both panels extended

"What are these things at the sides and how do I disable them?" might be your first question. The answer to this is: these are the side panels and you can slide them in and out by dragging them at the "handles" at their sides, like this:

Closing the right panel