Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Only found this add-on existed a few days a go, very nifty!
+xmptray 1.2 by saga
Just a plugin today.
≈SID (revision 28) by Sebastian "Fraggie" Szczepaniak
Nothing too special, mostly administration and layout fixes.
+LiteB by DelayS
+CryoStasie by Anarkhya
+Saria by doomrater
+pito0747 Collection by pito0747
≈Rated by Cypress
+SpectrumBars by Tero Niemi
+You Wa Shock ! by Red Shine Sound
Various broken links fixed.
+3.x Default skin Black
+Cypress v1.1a
+WMA, WA DSP Wrapper and CD Audio plug-ins have been added individually to the list for reference.
≈in_vgm (version 0.35)
The vast majority of broken links should now be fixed and all updated plugins as well as various new ones are now online.
≈A whole bunch.
+Beat Pipe 0.2
+XMPlay Cover Art rev.6
+G-Force v2.7.1
+WhiteCap v4.7
+Kyokon 0.1
+Arvi's Waveform
Native Input Plug-ins
≈RA (Real Audio, beta 10)
≈AHX/HVL (revision 16)
≈SID (revision 26)
≈AC3 (Audio Coding Revision 3)
≈Ganbatte! 1.1
≈ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec)
≈FLAC (revision 8)
≈MIDI (revision 10)
≈WV (WavPack, revision 3)
≈APE (Monkey's Audio, revision 2)
Winamp Input Plug-ins
≈SNESamp 3.3.4
≈AdPlug 1.8.2
≈in_cube 0.38
-WinampAC3 0.60b
-Nullsoft MIDI
-Tara 1.0.3b
-TFMX Modules
-WinAHX 1.0
-FAAD (AAC Decoder) 2.1 Beta
Output Plug-ins
+DirectSound (revision 4)
+WASAPI (revision 3)
+AirPort Express
Archive Reader
+CrM (Crunch-Mania, revision 2)
+GZIP (revision 1)
External Encoders
≈MAC (Monkey's Audio Compression)
≈FLAC 1.2.1b
≈MPC - Musepack
≈OptimFROG 4.520b1
≈Oggenc 2.85 (aoTuV b5.7)
Other Add-ons
+XMP-Scrobbler 0.9.6 (
≈MiniLyrics 7.0.676
All of the major bugs have been fixed and all features are back including search and paging for the files. The file lists and details views have been revised and are looking shiny as ever. A large number of file previews have been redone with many more on the way. Missing new skins have been added or updated, for a complete list check the skins section. We also now have 3 new admins on board to help bring things up to speed.
Everyone give raina, Dotpitch and Pike84 a big cheer for contributing their efforts! Special thanks also goes out to Cypress who is helping with promotional and other artwork.
Phase 1 of the Support Site upgrade is more or less complete, most if not all of the data from the previous site has been copied across. There has been some minor data mishaps in the conversion which will be corrected over the next couple of days, but for most part everything has worked out pretty well.
The main focus of this upgrade was to enhance the administration and simplify things a lot so as to allow more administrators to update and maintain the support site who I'm sure will make themselves known in the next few weeks.
Now that this phase is out of the way the rest of the site can start being updated.
Hi Boys and Girls!
It's been a long time since we shook things up around here but thats on the way very soon indeed. Over the next couple of weeks there'll be the occasional downtime as I switch various bits and pieces over before the big change.
For most part the basic site is saying the same but we're adding it into a new CMS to allow multiple administrators to update it a bit easier, while adding some new long requested features to boot.
The WAModern skin (and its source files) have been updated to be compatible with XMPlay 3.5.
A new version is here.
These are the changes/additions:
* Rating shortcuts
* Optional length/filetype/rating columns in playlist panel and extended playlist
* Adjustable crossfade length for manual track changes
* Search system tweaked some more, including a single phrase mode
* M3U playlist saving can use the standard or extended form
* CD plugin: MusicBrainz CDDB server option
Due to an increasing amount of spam in the comments, I have implemented an automatic post banning mechanism, if the post meet specific criteria. This should keep the majority of spam away - let's see.
A little side note: there are currently exactly 2600 comments on this site. :-)
I won't try to explain the lack of updates over the past year. All I can say is that I am sorry.
I am planning to add a couple of updates to the admin interface, which will hopefully enable easier file uploads and updates. Additionally, I am working on adding regular user accounts, so everyone can finally upload their own files - but that will still take a while to complete.
Here's a list of the updates:
First of all, a new version of XMPlay 3.5
Aiwa Z-D3300M (new version)
Vintage Radio
Windows Classic 2.1
Royale Vista
Native Input Plugins
FLAC (revision 7)
MIDI (revision 9)
WV (WavPack), revision 2
APE (Monkey's Audio) revision 1
MPC (MusePack), revision 2b
Output Plugins
ASIO (revision 6)
DirectSound (revision 3)
WASAPI (revision 1)
Archive Reader
XM-EXE (revision 2)
Oh, and a Happy New Year!
...and a happy new year!
I for one know, what I'll try to improve next year: I'll try to be less lazy with XMPlay Support updates...
Greets from Austria (without snow in Graz),
- Thomas
Long-time XMPlay user Ralesk has created a XMPlay group on Facebook. You're free to spread the word and join in, if you like - everyone's welcome!
On a side note: the Support Site has surpassed 2100 user comments recently - big thanks to all of you!
- Thomas
New skins
Acidian Fire by Noruen
Flat by Cypress
Cleanskin by Hazy
AIWA D3300M by Cypress
XMP Underground Radio by Thomas Radeke
"XP Sterling" is now Sterling XP and gained six new colour variations.
iXMPlay now includes a widescreen variation, which opens the panel to the right side instead of downwards.
LAME was updated to 3.98.
Thanks to bornyank1 for posting this piece of information in the forum:
I've long wanted to use the AIM MusicLink plugin (which displays current song info in your AIM status), but I wasn't willing to switch from XMPlay to a media player it supported. So instead, I bugged the Aim MusicLink developer (who works for AOL, and has a blog and a screen name) to add XMPlay support, and he did! Here's the link:
And of course thanks to Greg, the AIM MusicLink developer!
After more than four months without any sign of life, I have put up some new files and updates:
New skin: Bruise
New skin: NNP-2
New skin: XP Sterling
Update: XMP-Scrobbler 0.8
Update: AAC/MP4
Update: FLAC input (revision 6)
Update: ASIO output (revision 4)
Update: DirectSound output (revision 1)
- Thomas
Unfortunately, my Merry Christmas wishes are a bit late and the Happy New Year is a bit early, but I'm moving and don't have Internet, so I have to seize every opportunity. :-)
I even have a belated Christmas gift: JFGreu by Tony Palmer, a modification of "Just For Me" by Aux.
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year 2008!
- Thomas
I have finally graduated! :-)
As promised, here is the first batch of updates:
New skin: NNP by Ernie
New skin: HeavyDuty by Tero Niemi
New skin: ImAbar by KelticDanor
New output plug-in: WASAPI
New addon: HyperIM XMPlay [extended] 1.2.0
Update: LAME 3.97
Update: Real Audio Beta 7
Update: Delix test version 8c
Update: SID rev. 25b
Update: MIDI rev. 4
Update: FLAC rev. 5
Update: Oddcast v.3.1.18
Update: MSN "now playing" plug-in
Thanks to Dotpitch for helping me with these!
- Thomas
Many of you might have realised that quite some files and articles need to be updated or even completely rewritten. While I feel bad about this, I cannot do anything until I'm through with my diploma thesis and the final exam, which will be in roughly two months.
Therefore I kindly ask you to use this forum thread to make a list of files and articles you want to see updated. I will eventually work through that list to make you happy XMPlay Support visitors again.
Thanks in advance,
- Thomas
Some users have reported that the ASIO plugin is being recognized as "TR/Peed.Gen.912" trojan by Avira's AntiVir. I sent them the file for inspection and it was confirmed to be a false positive. Detection of this file will be removed in future versions of AntiVir.
I finally found a moment to upload XMPlay 3.4.2, after quite some complaints. There's still some stuff waiting to be uploaded, but my diploma thesis has a higher priority - sorry.
- Thomas
During the last days, XMPlay Support has gathered more than 1000 user comments! Thank you for your ongoing interest! :-)
- Thomas
Updated Windows Classic 2 again and added Funkkybebel's LunaFamfam.
Sorry it took me so long. :-(
- Thomas
Added in_cube for playing GameCube streams. Also updated 64th Note to 1.2 beta 3 and PSF - Highly Experimental to 2.09.
This is what I call a happy easter: XMPlay 3.4 is out and with it comes a brand new download category: Output Plugins, which include the new ASIO and DirectSound modules. There are a couple of new and updated skins: Ben "Maserati" Laufer released Min and Neutron, WMP10 v2 and Windows Classic 2 have been updated for XMPlay 3.4. The FLAC and MIDI plugins were brought up-to-date, too, as well as the 7Z, LHA, PP, RAR, WAD, XPK and ZIP archive readers. Last but not least, XMP-Scrobbler was updated to 0.7.
Please note that XMPlay's features and options have changed a bit with 3.4 and so some tutorials need updating, which will eventually happen in the coming week(s).
Happy easter! :-)
An updated version of Windows Classic 2 is now online. This version has larger seeking and volume bars and has become even more useful now.
There is also a new skin: WMP11Skin by Pidusak.
I got a bit into Sonique visual development over the last few days and produced a vectorscope visual for stereo phase analysis. Background fading can be toggled with the middle mouse button. Have fun with it! The source is also included. - Thomas
Added Martin Pokorný's XPSkin, which shows an interesting way of sliding the panels.
Mykel, the author of quite some original Sonique visuals, has kindly donated the source code of Smear. Thanks again!
Knurek and snakemeat have posted a list with a lot of websites dedicated to vintage music - these can be found on the Links page now for your enjoyment. Thanks, guys!
I also updated MSXPlug to version 0.34 and added Jammix Enhancer to the DSP section.
Have fun with these updates!
Another new skin has arrived: Just For Me by Aux.
The source files for the "Go" skin are available now.
A new skin is online: "Go" by Pipertzis Dimitris. It includes three colour schemes: default, "green" and "strange colour". Also updated yagood's XMP-scrobbler to 0.6.
I wrote up a small tutorial about how to get XMPlay running under Linux (Ubuntu) using WINE. It also includes a guide on how to mount your NTFS partitions under Ubuntu, so you can access your music.
Comments are welcome!
Raina has fixed some minor issues on his VLC default skin adaption We'll See.., it's v1.1 now.
Maserati has updated his WMP10 skin to v2, including sources for both colour schemes. Another Winamp plugin for playing Nintendo NSF files has been added: NSFplug - and last but not least, Sebastian Andersson's AAC/MP4 plugin has been updated, too.
The FAQ has been cleaned up and brought up to date, too.
As the title says. :-)
Updated the AAC/MP4 and the SID plugin and uploaded a tweaked version of Windows Classic 2 Mini.
Some more bugfixes concerning the magic-quotes-stuff have been made and XMinioNX updated XMLyrics, which now works with the latest XMPlay version! :-)
Also uploaded WavPack revision 1 and the new Windows Classic 2 Mini skin.
I finally found some time to get rid of the dreaded backslash problem when posting a comment that contained single or double quotes. For those that don't know about Magic Quotes: you can read all about them in the PHP manual. Unfortunately, this server doesn't allow me to turn them off without breaking the entire site, so I had to find another solution. Hooray!
While I was at it, I also uploaded the latest Shoutcast DSP and updated Windows Classic 2 to the latest version.
XMPlay has been released. From the newsletter:
"[The update] includes a playlist file (PLS/etc) related security fix. So, although pretty unlikely to be exploited, it's a good idea to upgrade. As well as that, there are a few new features, including per-extension saved settings and CD support for restricted/limited Win2k/XP users."
The native MIDI plugin has been updated, too.
The 7Z archive plugin and the native FLAC plugin have been updated to revision 3, the latest 64thNote is online now and a new archive plugin has been released which allows you to read DOOM WAD files. A new version of the Chorium sound font has also been released; the native MIDI plugin description reflects that update now.
Thanks to Maserati and Ian for pointing these out.
[Edit] Also updated Fraggie's SID plugin to revision 25.
A thread on the forum pointed out that XMLyrics no longer works with the current version, so I updated the description texts for both the XMLyrics article and the download.
I also found out how to use MiniLyrics, the instructions are in the download description now. ;-)
Added the Winamp plugin NotSo FatSo, which plays NES NFS files.
Here I am again with some updates and new stuff: Minilyrics - a(nother) lyrics viewer that works with XMPlay and WAClassic - a new skin that looks like Winamp 3. Unfortunately, the LCD font used by that skin misses some characters - but that can be fixed, can't it? Just post in this thread, if you're able to help TommyB.
I also recently updated the DDE command list, see this thread for details.
I finally got around to adding a "Download" link to this page, that also shows the current version number. I admit that it was a bit hard to find the download location between all the Archive files and tutorial pages. Sorry for that!
I also added two new questions and answers to the FAQ.
The XMPlay Support Site was moved to a different server recently, which required some little code changes (PHP's Magic Quotes are a pain). While I was at it, I improved the 404 page: it now automatically searches for the missing item. Try me! ;-)
Keltic Danor sent me the source files for WAModern and MMD3. Happy hacking, people!
Just added "We'll See.." by Lasse "raina" Mattila.
[Edit] Updated "We'll See.." to the final version and added the source files, too. Thanks, raina! :-)
Ben "Maserati" Laufer's long-anticipated WMP10 skin is here, complete with source.
A bug that caused all news' and files' times to be backdated by six hours has also been fixed. :-)
[Edit] Also updated XMP-Scrobbler to 0.5b, which adds MusicBrainz ID (MBID) Support.
Update: Luna was renamed to WMP10 on request of the author. :-)
Updated the FLAC and AAC/MP4 plugins and included the missing OptimFROG.dll in the OptimFROG package.
Ian has released revision 5 of XMPlay 3.3, which introduces a couple of new skinning features and some bugfixes.
Yagood released another version of his experimental Audioscrobbler/Last.FM plugin, which should fix some bugs with WMAs and cached submissions.
Dominik Tugend has sent in TestPlug, which is the first visual plugin based on the Sonique system that was actually made especially for XMPlay! Dominik also included the source code, so hack right away, folks! :-)
Added the "Windows Classic 2" skin by Amit and updated AdPlug to version 1.7.
XMP-Scrobbler 0.4b is up, which should fix many issues people were having.
Some people suggested that the file sorting by rating should go by the comment count as secondary criterium, so I implemented that. Files will now be sorted by rating AND comment count, so within files that are rated the same, the one with the highest comment count will be on top.
I also added a little number next to the "stars" image that shows the exact rating.
Updated the XMPlay2MSN plugin (formerly known as "MSN now playing plugin") and XMP-Scrobbler 0.3.
Updated Pipertzis Dimitris' SkyBlue skin, which now contains two themes and added Fraunhofer IIS' MP3 Surround WA input plugin.
Added the following native input plugins:
WV (WavPack), TTA (The True Audio), SPX (Speex), OFR (OptimFROG), APE (Monkey's Audio), ALAC (Apple Lossless Audio Codec), AC3 and AAC (Advanced Audio Coding). Also updated the MPC plugin.
Added these files: SNESamp 3.2 (Winamp Input Plugin), Source files for the "Plastic" skin, XMPlaySecret and XMPlaySkin (both Other Add-ons).
Also added the ability to sort files by their rating.
Added a colour theme for Danny's "Bonjour, BS2000" skin: "raina". Source also included.
Added "NightWish" by Stanton to the Skins section and edited the commenting function to allow "Don't rate" for files and articles.
Added compiled .xmpskin files for Cerealkiller's "Deviate", "Korvax" and "Machina" and updated Highly Experimental PSF player to version 2.08.
Updated and added several input and archive reader plugins, as well as a MSN "now playing" plugin. Thanks to Knurek for pointing these out to me!
Added three skins by Cerealkiller: Deviate, Korvax and Machina. Also added XMP-Scrobbler 0.2 to "Other Add-Ons".
After about two weeks of development and typing stuff into the database, the new Support Site is finally online! I hope you find the new structure at least as useful as the old one.
The screenshots in the files section will be replaced by bigger ones and I will look for updates for all plugins during the next days.
Have fun! - Thomas