Cover Art (revision 9b)
by Bernhard Schelling
posted on 2023-03-20

Note: Middle click the album visual for more settings.

See Illustrated Manual - xmp-coverart and for more information (and source).

Revision 9 source code available in the github fork

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#24 - Atomika commented this file on 2024-07-27, 07:08:30
Harbinger282: 2 months or 5 years, a cover art plugin isn't supposed to take down the whole player with it. Some bugs are very insiduous.

#23 - Harbinger282 commented this file on 2024-06-08, 00:36:37
2019- very reliable
5 years later
I finally had a crash unreliable.

#22 - Atomika commented this file on 2024-02-21, 19:40:40
Taking back my words about reliability... Had an inexplicable crash on one song with an external cover. The image and song had nothing out of the ordinary. Was not able to find the cause :(

#21 - Sebastian commented this file on 2023-06-09, 01:33:51
The latest version (9b) has a bug were it defaults to image embedded within audio files instead folder.* image, images embedded in the audio files have low resolution making the cover look smeared and blurry even if high resolution cover photo is present in the album folder.

#20 - Phobian347 rated this file 5 stars on 2023-04-19, 00:10:57
Very good.

#19 - Lefa Mashile rated this file 5 stars on 2022-09-01, 01:37:53
i love it

#18 - Itzhak Hasson commented this file on 2022-07-28, 05:53:02
A very nice addition to xmplay, thak you.

#17 - Atomika rated this file 5 stars on 2019-11-30, 21:15:25
It works very well and is very reliable.

#16 - hsinn rated this file 5 stars on 2019-04-09, 05:40:26
This is nice. Thanks.

#15 - Chiraux rated this file 4 stars on 2018-08-22, 20:35:06
I really like this, although I might suggest a simple visual (or at least a higher-quality "no album cover" picture) when the file doesn't have an album cover and a more elegant solution to replace the obnoxious blue bars that you use now. (If the blue bars are out of your control, I apologize.) Otherwise it does what I got it for without any trouble.

#14 - Cheese rated this file 5 stars on 2017-07-04, 21:39:25
Fanatisic! Thank you!

#13 - Khzx-117 rated this file 5 stars on 2017-01-13, 07:33:15

#12 - Barrack Bombama rated this file 1 star on 2015-12-22, 05:02:51
blue screen of death.. crap

#11 - gzii rated this file 4 stars on 2015-08-09, 07:36:29
Can you change command for configuration.
example letter c on kexboard?

#10 - Dubtron rated this file 5 stars on 2015-04-26, 06:30:58
Great plugin! Would like to see support for .bmp files and the ability to toggle through image files in the folder being played i.e. cover, back, cd, liner notes, etc...

#9 - Xavier rated this file 5 stars on 2015-04-07, 13:43:48
It does what it says!

Perfect :)

#8 - Ans. rated this file 5 stars on 2014-01-11, 22:21:02
Thanks works perfect

#7 - ernest33 rated this file 5 stars on 2012-09-06, 12:04:03
Why if download failed, local cover are not shown ? (or maybe you could add proxy authentification support :-) ).

#6 - ClockworkBastard rated this file 5 stars on 2012-04-05, 22:41:39
Nice plugin!
But I dislike "No Album Cover" image :( I'll reshack if I can.

First of all the resolution is lower than the 1x1 square of default skin's Vis vindow, pixelfont could fix the problem.. And the second - it's just not great. But I still vote 4 of 5 ... no 5 of 5! Cuz it does The Whole exact job of coverart display! Even standalone 'CD Art Display' app needs to be tweaked and still does not do everything

#5 - Meeeee rated this file 5 stars on 2011-09-23, 06:30:27
Great plugin! well deserved 5 star :D

#4 - 2beers rated this file 5 stars on 2011-07-24, 16:31:27
Plain but great plugin! Thanks a lot!

#3 - Stealth rated this file 5 stars on 2011-07-05, 06:13:47
A nice pluging indeed!

#2 - CrazyDave rated this file 5 stars on 2011-05-15, 01:39:09
Thank you for the great plugin - it was the only thing I was missing.

#1 - Vee rated this file 5 stars on 2011-03-16, 05:35:28
Exact what I needed. Thanks for providing this plugin so I can verify the cover art for my portable player rip.