



Quick start

Beginner's Guide

Illustrated Manual



Skins (146)

Visuals (115)

Input Plug-ins (35)

Output Plug-ins (5)

General Plug-ins (11)

Archive Reader (16)

Input Plug-ins (40)

DSP Plug-ins (10)

Tag Editing Plug-ins (6)

External Encoders (3)

External Add-ons (16)

XMPlay Archive (69)

Extra Tools
4.06.1 - Default shortcuts
by Dotpitch, 2011-07-15 15:00:00

This is the list of default shortcut bindings. You can change them on the Shortcuts page.

Shortcut keyAction
O Open files/URL
shift+O Open directory
P/Pause Current track - Play / pause
shift+P/Pause Current track - Stop
Home Current track - Restart
right Current track - Forward
left Current track - Back
shift+right Current track - Next subsong
shift+left Current track - Prev subsong
Page Up Change track - Previous
Page Down Change track - Next
End Change track - Random
Insert List - Add files/URL
shift+Insert List - Add directory
ctrl+Z List - Undo
Q List - Show queue in list
shift+/ List - Clear queue
up List nav - Up
down List nav - Down
ctrl+up/down List nav - Jump to current
shift+up List nav - Select extend up
shift+down List nav - Select extend down
ctrl+A List nav - Select all
ctrl+I List nav - Invert selection
ctrl+F List nav - Find
alt+F List nav - Find quick
F List nav - Find next
shift+F List nav - Find previous
ctrl+shift+F List nav - Find all
Enter List track - Play
Space List track - Skip
/ List track - Queue
ctrl+/ List track - Dequeue
Delete List track - Remove
shift+Delete List track - Remove & delete file
+ (numpad) DSP - Volume up
- (numpad) DSP - Volume down
/ (numpad) DSP - Balance left
* (numpad) DSP - Balance right
M Toggle mini mode
N Minimize / restore
shift+N Minimize to tray / restore
alt+F4 Close
alt+shift+F4 Close with position saved
F9 Options and stuff
F1 Info - General
F2 Info - Message
F3 Info - Samples
F4 Info - Visuals
F5 Info - Extended list
F6 Info - Library
ctrl+C Info - Copy to clipboard
8 (numpad) Info - Scroll up
2 (numpad) Info - Scroll down
4 (numpad) MOD pattern - Prev channel
6 (numpad) MOD pattern - Next channel
5 (numpad) MOD pattern - Mute channel
7 (numpad) MOD pattern - Unmute all
9 (numpad) MOD pattern - Invert all
F12 Reload skin

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