by Keltic Danor
posted on 2022-01-25
This skin uses the ZIP-based system, so the sources are available by opening it in ZIP software. The separate source download may include additional files that were used to create the skin.

Yet another new skin, this builds on what I was playing with in Metrocity and mostly works. I like how this one turned out. All modes include a toggled playlist this time.

The tags mean the following, for future revisions without losing the old versions...
L1 = Layout 1 Album Display + Optional Playlist
L2 = Layout 2 Default + Optional Playlist
L3 = Layout 3 Album Display + Static Playlist
L4 = Layout 2 Default+ Static Playlist

     - [all themes] Fixed play/queue/sticky markers to be transparent
     - [other] Organised the folders a little
     - [other] Added Mountain dark theme
     - [other] Added Cyber Punk dark theme
     - [other] Added Moonlight - Lens Light tweak with lighter color buttons
     - [all themes] Play list indicators no longer glitch out depending on background
     - [sky girl] Issues with extended playlist buttons fixed
     - [sky girl] Position bar cleaned up
     - [other] Added Otherworld dark theme
     - [snow peak] Revised border and made lighter so titles are easier to read
     - [other] Added Sky Girl dark theme
     - [other] Added Sunshine light theme
     - [all themes] Album plug-in images revised
     - [other] Added Snow Peak a light theme

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#5 - Len rated this file 5 stars on 2021-10-05, 08:55:54
Excellent adjustment. Keep up the good work!

#4 - Len rated this file 4 stars on 2021-09-16, 01:51:55
1st skin I ever used.... nice look but the controls in the upper right corner are too dark to see. Is there a setting to brighten these a little?

Keltic Danor:
I've released a new version for you with lightened buttons, hopefully it will do the trick for you, I quite like it myself. :)

#3 - AuralVirus rated this file 4 stars on 2021-09-02, 12:36:47
Great to see the cover art incorporated in the skin without having to sacrifice the visualiser - to be honest though I prefer the Innocuous look, not a fan of the artwork behind the spectrogram (sorry) as it jars with my desktops/colour scheme but Innocuous doesn't which i love but no cover art :) - a combo of cover art display with Innocuous & it's colour options would be so welcome -THANK YOU for bringing XMP into 2021+

#2 - Werner rated this file 5 stars on 2021-08-17, 09:54:49
a feast for the eyes and clearly legible

#1 - jmsr rated this file 5 stars on 2021-07-05, 12:23:05
Very good skin, EXTRAORDINARY !!