Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Yet another new skin, this builds on what I was playing with in Metrocity and mostly works. I like how this one turned out. All modes include a toggled playlist this time.
The tags mean the following, for future revisions without losing the old versions...
L1 = Layout 1 Album Display + Optional Playlist
L2 = Layout 2 Default + Optional Playlist
L3 = Layout 3 Album Display + Static Playlist
L4 = Layout 2 Default+ Static Playlist
- [all themes] Fixed play/queue/sticky markers to be transparent
- [other] Organised the folders a little
- [other] Added Mountain dark theme
- [other] Added Cyber Punk dark theme
- [other] Added Moonlight - Lens Light tweak with lighter color buttons
- [all themes] Play list indicators no longer glitch out depending on background
- [sky girl] Issues with extended playlist buttons fixed
- [sky girl] Position bar cleaned up
- [other] Added Otherworld dark theme
- [snow peak] Revised border and made lighter so titles are easier to read
- [other] Added Sky Girl dark theme
- [other] Added Sunshine light theme
- [all themes] Album plug-in images revised
- [other] Added Snow Peak a light theme
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#5 - Len rated this file on 2021-10-05, 08:55:54
Excellent adjustment. Keep up the good work!
#4 - Len rated this file on 2021-09-16, 01:51:55
1st skin I ever used.... nice look but the controls in the upper right corner are too dark to see. Is there a setting to brighten these a little?
Keltic Danor:
I've released a new version for you with lightened buttons, hopefully it will do the trick for you, I quite like it myself. :)
#3 - AuralVirus rated this file on 2021-09-02, 12:36:47
Great to see the cover art incorporated in the skin without having to sacrifice the visualiser - to be honest though I prefer the Innocuous look, not a fan of the artwork behind the spectrogram (sorry) as it jars with my desktops/colour scheme but Innocuous doesn't which i love but no cover art :) - a combo of cover art display with Innocuous & it's colour options would be so welcome -THANK YOU for bringing XMP into 2021+
#2 - Werner rated this file on 2021-08-17, 09:54:49
a feast for the eyes and clearly legible
#1 - jmsr rated this file on 2021-07-05, 12:23:05
Very good skin, EXTRAORDINARY !!