GME (0.41fork)
by Brad Miller, updated by FIX94
posted on 2017-10-20

Implementation of blargg's Game_Music_Emu under XMPlay. Supports the following files: AY, GBS, GYM, HES, KSS, NSF, NSFE, RSN, SAP, SGC, SPC, VGM, VGZ.

You will need the RAR plugin as well as the ZIP plugin and possibly the GZIP plugin to use this.

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#9 - Bad plugin rated this file 1 star on 2021-02-19, 12:06:26
This plugin seems to add Reverb in some cases and there is no way to turn it off. This plugin literally has no configuration. I have to delete this plugin. Not a fan of plugin authors forcing their preferences on users.

#8 - Game Boy rated this file 2 stars on 2018-08-09, 03:34:25
GBS files really suck, something's wack with it. ZXTUNE plugin is better.

#7 - Banana Mama 2 rated this file 2 stars on 2018-05-10, 19:06:15
The "GME (rev .41fork)" plugin crashed while attemting to scan the following file: any_files_with_extension.NSF

The crash will now be passed on to Windows.

could you finally fix that crap?! looks like it happened on auto-update files in a current playlist on start. probably included bogus un-opened source xmplya program itself troublem

#6 - Dr. SLAY rated this file 4 stars on 2016-10-21, 16:50:09
Useful plugin, however when playing NSF files that contain multiple 'subtracks' then last subtrack wont play at all.

#5 - Robocop3 rated this file 4 stars on 2016-07-12, 22:16:52
Hi, thanks for mouse right-click for subsongs trick, did set global shift+FF/RW for subsongs on multimedia keyboard already, was confused at first with subsongs coz mine skin didnt show "1/XX" lables. A bit of configuring can be a ++ like set somehow a default lengh with fade out; some songs can have 30minutes silence at the end.. Confirming again - NSF VRC chip files this plugin doesnt play. Also got periodically crash with message:
The "GME (rev .4)" plugin crashed while attemting to scan the following file:

sometimes remove library dirs and reset playlist helps. Please update this wonderful plugin, dont want to use foo_gep after that guy become lazy to compiling plugins with 1.2.9 support..

#4 - How to use NSF files commented this file on 2016-05-13, 13:07:56
Note for those who can't figure out how to navigate NSF tracks: NSF tracks are considered "sub tracks," so you have to RIGHT-click the forward button to navigate to the next track. RIGHT-click, not left-click.

#3 - anon rated this file 5 stars on 2016-05-13, 13:03:29
Despite what the previous reviews claim, GME does indeed play NSF files just fine - or at least, the current version does. I've been using it for several months to render NSF, GBS, RSN and VGM files, and the plugin seems to have full compatibility with those formats.

There's no GUI configuration, as mentioned, but the plugin loops tracks indefinitely by default and doesn't seem to need any kind of tweaking anyway.

#2 - Banana Mama rated this file 2 stars on 2015-12-21, 13:54:04
The "GME (rev .4)" plugin crashed while attemting to scan the following file: any_files_with_extension.NSF

The crash will now be passed on to Windows.

#1 - Barrack Bombama rated this file 3 stars on 2015-12-21, 05:10:30
no config, NSF not play VRC chip files, not clear how to get next tracks, after 3min it continue to play current track..
GZIP plugin required to play VGZ..