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A very small skin without title or time display - just pure music and minimalism. Includes three colour schemes: blue, green and orange.
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#36 - w rated this file on 2017-12-09, 18:27:57
#35 - Kalamun rated this file on 2016-09-13, 08:07:59
My favorite skin ever!
Minimal, colored and elegant.
#34 - eahm rated this file on 2015-08-30, 16:38:07
Second favorite mini skin. Very well done, thank you!
#33 - menadavid rated this file on 2013-10-18, 05:34:53
muy lindo tema
#32 - :) rated this file on 2013-07-09, 21:26:53
5 stars
#31 - ziad commented this file on 2013-07-09, 21:26:09
LIIIIKE.. thank you very much .. please add a transparencye that would be perfect !
#30 - reiver rated this file on 2011-12-21, 00:51:21
Thank you Ben for a really great skin, and also for including the source...I've now got it in RED !! It's a shame everyone doesn't include the source......
#29 - zevilaga commented this file on 2011-10-29, 18:44:27
The best skin for any mp3 players ever! I love it. Compact, clever and handy. Lovin' it.
#28 - luciano rated this file on 2011-07-10, 23:48:34
the best skin!!!!
#27 - Drakyma|Fernando rated this file on 2011-06-09, 21:24:08
Finally I found what I was looking for! Thank you very much, the skin is perfect.
PS: I have a small prayer - would you be so kind and implement showing the elapsed/remaining time of current track by small contrast text in center of the progress bar? I think it would be very useful for everyone :) (2)
I think I've been use this theme in 2 years, and is the best that I found, the only thing I thing is missing is the progress bar, but this theme continue the best! xD
#26 - chiara rated this file on 2011-02-27, 16:02:08
been looking for something similar for ages, love it!
#25 - pnorbert rated this file on 2010-10-26, 22:41:37
excelent job, the kinda skin I was looking for.
#24 - Hamzor commented this file on 2010-07-21, 17:17:07
Dude..i love you, thats all i have to say.
#23 - Mr.Bobby rated this file on 2010-06-01, 21:16:03
Finally I found what I was looking for! Thank you very much, the skin is perfect.
PS: I have a small prayer - would you be so kind and implement showing the elapsed/remaining time of current track by small contrast text in center of the progress bar? I think it would be very useful for everyone :)
#22 - Bilbo rated this file on 2010-02-01, 00:20:24
This is a great skin - Just love to see the current track elappsed / total time in the main ( (bottom) skin section (perhaps discretely superimposed at each end of the "current position" display or in the pop up ballon instead of "current position"
#21 - tpr rated this file on 2009-10-02, 21:25:51
very good!
#20 - Drakyma rated this file on 2009-06-29, 18:05:07
I use this, realy nice!
#19 - 2muchtv commented this file on 2009-06-28, 07:04:13
Just realized dif between and
feels silly
whoops, still would like a matte version of this skin =)
#18 - 2muchtv rated this file on 2009-06-28, 06:58:29
Almost perfect.
-fix library/playlist highlighting
-matte version of the skin
-Stop button
Best skin for me out of all the other skins here.
#17 - AlkoLoiK rated this file on 2008-11-13, 09:05:57
Usefull and minimalist with a good looking style, Min is my favorite skin !...
#16 - Error 404 rated this file on 2008-10-17, 10:21:46
Beautiful littel skin, perfect for putting on the top of the window. Love it!
#15 - AnonLOL rated this file on 2008-07-14, 10:21:43
It's perfect!
#14 - anon rated this file on 2008-06-26, 00:01:16
love it. been using it for ages.
#13 - Ladron rated this file on 2007-11-13, 05:13:16
When viewing "track info & extended playlist" window, text becomes garbled and unreadable. Not able to use. Using win98se.
#12 - Scott commented this file on 2007-11-08, 17:57:53
Recolour of Skin, Now in Black and White only, perfect for any theme!
skin now uses Segoe UI, included in pack
Drop folder into your xmplay directory to install
get it here - 250kb
#11 - David rated this file on 2007-10-23, 10:13:36
#10 - Cheyenne rated this file on 2007-10-16, 18:23:36
Great when want a really tiny skin that's smaller than the taskbar or top window bar. This one takes up such a small space that it's barely noticeable at all. Still usable though as button labels on mouse-over are larger than the skin bar.
Ultimately I didn't keep it though. No stop button, no equalizer support.
#9 - Xilef rated this file on 2007-08-04, 15:10:15
It´s Perfect!
#8 - Snooze_op commented this file on 2007-06-02, 10:17:29
Hi - I love this skin, but I can't see a way to view the queue... is this possible?
#7 - n3rd rated this file on 2007-05-12, 15:11:32
Awesome. Exactly what I was looking for.
#6 - Teh Pirate rated this file on 2007-04-26, 23:25:20
Very nice skin. i was waiting for something like this, good work! =D
#5 - PhilippeCM rated this file on 2007-04-24, 02:38:41
Thanks for the heads-up on the silent update!
I see no difference downloading from the support site - The 3 variants, dated 2007-Apr-07 still have the bright white font and no highlight capability.
However I retried the download from the main site and the three variants there have a darker white (?!) font and highlight capability in bright white. Perfect!
PS: I know it's been discussed, but it would have been even better with a stop button.
There is one on most hardware even though you can pull the plug out of the wall socket. My opinion anyways.
#4 - Maserati commented this file on 2007-04-20, 18:23:01
PhilippeCM try downloading it again there was a silent update the day this was released that made the font color darker so it can be highlighted. I just downloaded from the link above and it includes the update.
#3 - PhilippeCM rated this file on 2007-04-20, 14:31:32
Love the skin.
Highlight (multiple selection) does not show on playlist nor on library...
I wish this was fixed - the skin would then be PERFECT.
#2 - vaska rated this file on 2007-04-17, 18:03:06
i waz waiting for this skin. thank you, Ben
#1 - Janek rated this file on 2007-04-07, 16:58:28
Definitely my favourite, but lacks equalizer support :(