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XMPlay2MSN (MSN "now playing",...
by Elliott Sales de Andrade
posted on 2007-11-09

Displays what you're currently listening to in MSN.

Leave a comment

Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.


#91 - Nicolas @ b&f rated this file 4 stars on 2013-07-03, 12:18:59
Update it, please.

#90 - Nicolas Bahamondes rated this file 4 stars on 2013-02-03, 14:53:10
Update it to work in Skype (if supports a custom message).

#89 - Bruno commented this file on 2013-01-02, 01:16:09
Eu extrai os arquivos e não achei a opção "XMPlay2MSN" na tab DSP, conforme recomenda o tutorial!
Ele não funciona na última versão do programa, a 3.6.1?

I extracted the files, but I couldn´t find "XMPlay2MSN" option in DSP tab, as the tutorial said.
So, does this plug-in work in 3.6.1 version of the program?

#88 - Hunter commented this file on 2011-10-23, 04:06:34
EPIC PLUGIN! Thanks for upload! run in all messengers! Inclusive in windows 7

#87 - jays rated this file 5 stars on 2011-10-02, 19:26:21
That was the only thing missing in the player!

#86 - Artur rated this file 5 stars on 2011-10-01, 03:15:31
Isso que é plugin, já tinha gostado do player, ainda com um plugin desses, com apenas 7kb, e funcionalidade total, deixa tudo perfeito!

This is a real plugin, already liked the player, and even more with a plugin like this, with just 7kb, e full functionality, it lets everything perfect!

#85 - アダウト - AdautoC rated this file 5 stars on 2011-09-27, 18:12:33
O Puglin funcionou perfeitamente. Agora sim, o XMPlay é o meu player de música favorito o/

PS.: Para quem não funcionou, basta ler as instruções em "xmp-msn.txt" (em inglês) que vem junto com o download. Funciona a partir do Windows Live Messenger 7. =)

#84 - Chemel rated this file 5 stars on 2011-02-07, 14:48:43
Era o que faltava pra fica perfeito... funcionou... meu wmplayer nao funciona nem quatrocanais... aqui funcionou tudo SEM INSTALAÇÃO....

#83 - Waldemir commented this file on 2010-12-25, 06:38:06
Testei e funciona normal no Windows 7 e MSN 2011

Tested and works normal in Windows 7 and MSN 2011

#82 - Labas commented this file on 2010-11-27, 14:19:28
this plugin works on windows 7?

#81 - labas commented this file on 2010-11-27, 14:14:52
como coloca essa porra desse plugin?

#80 - AtorranT rated this file 5 stars on 2010-02-05, 17:20:05
Please make it function with DIGSBY.... I really NEED that...¡¡¡

#79 - Gadelha rated this file 5 stars on 2010-01-24, 20:43:09
Thank you very much!!!! It works out very well.

#78 - lesinfox rated this file 5 stars on 2009-08-05, 19:48:10
Digsby support would be great, but Trillian support would be better... Unfortunatly, it all depends on how those IM clients support the fonctionnality.

#77 - Grog rated this file 4 stars on 2009-06-04, 20:04:47
Eu sei, Me add no msn aew que eu ensino a coloca lá no msn,

#76 - karman12 commented this file on 2009-05-28, 15:04:04
como puedo ponerlo a otro programs de mensajeria como pidgin

#75 - Kramer Brasil ! commented this file on 2009-05-06, 17:13:28
Algum brasileiro ae me ensina a colocar esse plugin?
eu coloco na pasta do XMPLAY mas nao aparece o plugin la nas cfgs..

#74 - pughead commented this file on 2009-04-02, 19:47:12
echoing those who would love to see this plugin (or similar) work for digsby

#73 - yra commented this file on 2009-03-04, 13:41:37
aha chadh its great.
thanks for this!!!

#72 - kot7k commented this file on 2009-01-05, 14:49:28
Add me to the ones wishing this plugin will work with Digsby

#71 - Atreyu commented this file on 2008-12-10, 22:21:28
I also agree with the Digsby comment. It would be great to see it work with that app too.

#70 - Mar commented this file on 2008-10-22, 21:40:18
I'd really like to know the same, but for Digsby.

Great plugin in all aspects :)

#69 - bachterman commented this file on 2008-10-08, 10:36:56
can you tell me how can i show my streaming media's title in pidgin? i'm using musictracker and currenttrack, of which the latter uses xmplay's "what's playing" stuff, but doesn't display the stream's title correctly.

#68 - Popo commented this file on 2008-09-14, 14:47:10
Para quem nao funcionou é preciso ler o arquivo xmp-msn.txt e seguir as instruções e é so isso.

#67 - John rated this file 5 stars on 2008-07-03, 18:04:54
Plugin is Good

#66 - Alexandre rated this file 5 stars on 2008-06-20, 14:20:54
Works well in WLM 8.5 and later.

#65 - Seba, Argentina. rated this file 5 stars on 2008-04-21, 00:22:32
what about windows live messenger 8.5?

#64 - fernando rated this file 5 stars on 2008-04-01, 16:37:28
era oq tava faltandu pra esse programa ser o fodão msm..basico, leve...e com tantas funções...
e ainda essa?!?!..

vixi muito loko...

#63 - lucas commented this file on 2008-03-11, 13:15:16
Funciona com msn 7.0.0820 ?
Function with msn 7.0.0820 ?
PEga con el msn 7.0.0820?

#62 - bakkelun rated this file 5 stars on 2008-02-22, 14:08:04
Works like a diamond on

Windows Live Messenger Version 8.1.0175!



#61 - wyatt rated this file 5 stars on 2008-02-18, 14:05:27
work pretty well nice job guys thank u for all ..

#60 - Rafael rated this file 5 stars on 2008-02-15, 02:59:22
Perfeito! era so o que precisava pra virar um player de aúdio perfeito!

#59 - NiL rated this file 5 stars on 2007-12-30, 14:12:08
This is Perfect!!!

#58 - caracol rated this file 5 stars on 2007-12-04, 07:58:13
Perfect with :

Windows Live Messenger
Version 2008 (Build 8.5.1302.1018)


#57 - Zueuk commented this file on 2007-11-12, 10:39:20
for miranda use watrack plugin

#56 - Lei rated this file 3 stars on 2007-11-07, 08:12:07
When will this be updated for version 3.4? And in the mean time where can I get version 3.3?

#55 - KaMiKaZe.Dx rated this file 5 stars on 2007-10-15, 08:12:42



#54 - KaMiKaZe.Dx commented this file on 2007-10-13, 04:32:15

#53 - Paola commented this file on 2007-10-04, 16:28:54
tengo la versión XMPlay 3.4.2 y el plugin no funciona :(

¿saldrá alguna versión actualizada del plugin?

#52 - alejandro rated this file 3 stars on 2007-08-30, 03:43:17
de donde lo bajaste??
a mi tampoco me funciona con la ver 3.4

#51 - Pedro rated this file 2 stars on 2007-08-18, 22:05:44
It don't actualizes the music...

#50 - Hivenfour commented this file on 2007-07-28, 18:36:51
oops, downloaded from the un4seen link, now worked
sorry ^^u

#49 - Hivenfour commented this file on 2007-07-28, 18:34:26
with the latest version of xmplay does not work
(with 3.3 it worked)

#48 - Laurent rated this file 5 stars on 2007-07-18, 21:38:29
Thanks TheBenD, the plug is OK.

#47 - TheBenD rated this file 5 stars on 2007-07-16, 18:40:15
As Jojo already said ... Go to http://un4seen.com and download it from there.
If you are too lazy to search for it there use the link below to get it ;)


#46 - Oni Kuma commented this file on 2007-07-13, 04:09:44
XMPlay doesn't detect the plugin, on version 3.4, can these be fix ?

#45 - samptaro rated this file 5 stars on 2007-07-08, 13:45:42
Working perfekt

#44 - alex supra commented this file on 2007-07-07, 00:33:30
...and whats about gtalk (google talk)?

#43 - adrien joly commented this file on 2007-06-26, 20:10:28
argh... it doesnt work on 3.4...

#42 - Shakeno commented this file on 2007-06-13, 13:26:11
This plugin is great... but needs an update for 3.4... many people are still waiting for it.

#41 - nazoman22 commented this file on 2007-06-11, 13:58:21
why i cant use this plug, before i had this and know i cant...there are not another plugs installed...the last version 3.4.01 is good???plz resp.!!

#40 - Joey Black rated this file 2 stars on 2007-06-03, 01:30:16
update it for XMPlay 3.4. plz!

#39 - Salvo commented this file on 2007-05-26, 12:45:06
Could you please develop it for Google Talk also...That would be just too good...

#38 - Wjun commented this file on 2007-05-24, 01:02:58
Waiting for 3.4 too

#37 - MicKi rated this file 4 stars on 2007-05-13, 07:56:02
Waiting for 3.4

#36 - Mario commented this file on 2007-05-07, 20:02:36
Is there any vb6 code for to this?
or how can I using this xmp play plugin on my vb6/bass app ?

#35 - Jojo rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-07, 12:36:21
It works (perfectly) only with the latest version "" (Revision 6)
Go to http://un4seen.com/ ;) (thanx Chigerian)

#34 - Fan commented this file on 2007-05-01, 18:22:27
I'd like to see it work with google talk as well.

#33 - Pepero Boy rated this file 2 stars on 2007-05-01, 07:39:44
Why it doesn't work?
Maybe because i still using Win98!!!
i dont known what's happenning, but the player ies Excelente

#32 - Superlux rated this file 3 stars on 2007-04-25, 10:11:00
I use the plugin (latest version) with XMPlay 3.4 and MSN 7.5 on Windows XP. Most of the time it works great.

#31 - fin commented this file on 2007-04-22, 10:27:31
Is there some way to use it in GTalk?

#30 - Carlos commented this file on 2007-04-17, 09:22:55
I've downloaded again the plugin. Now works. The one i had seems to be compiled on apr-15, and the new one on apr-16... So if you have problems, check the date of the dll. Bye

#29 - Carlos commented this file on 2007-04-17, 09:18:15
Last revision 5 doesn't work in XMplay 3.4 and Windows Live Messenger 8.1. Does anyone have this problem?

#28 - Chigerian commented this file on 2007-04-16, 13:47:34
Works very well but tends to stop working after each track.
The updated version is on the main xmplay site but I have kindly given you the direct download link below:
NOTE: This is XMPlay2MSN revision 5 for XMPlay 3.4

#27 - Diego commented this file on 2007-04-15, 19:47:56
Can I use it with Miranda???

#26 - the_sagga commented this file on 2007-04-15, 03:29:23

#25 - sc rated this file 5 stars on 2007-04-09, 08:30:59
Great Plugin, kudos to the developer.

@kosmos: This plugin needs to be updated to work with xmplay 3.4, I'm sure there will be an update soon enough.
If you really need to use this plugin right now you could use the previous version, xmplay As for Vista though, thats beyond me.

#24 - kosmos commented this file on 2007-04-09, 05:58:38
It does not appear in my DSP. I am using windows vista. Any help? Thanks!

#23 - fin commented this file on 2007-04-06, 15:27:16
Yeees, we want it to work with g-talk. :)

#22 - CainKellye commented this file on 2007-04-04, 11:05:43
Today I installed XMPlay 3.4 and this plugin isn't working (properly) with it. :(
I hope you can fix it soon. :) I love to show everybody that I listen to music with XMPlay.

#21 - Mcalvo_CR rated this file 5 stars on 2007-03-23, 18:39:32
Just great! Keep doing such an excellent work!!

#20 - the_sagga commented this file on 2007-02-15, 00:55:02

#19 - Vigil rated this file 5 stars on 2007-02-05, 15:41:59
Is there any possibility that you will make one for GTalk?
It would be greatly appreciated if you did.

#18 - xmplay user rated this file 5 stars on 2007-01-12, 00:03:47
it rocks

#17 - nVein rated this file 3 stars on 2006-12-31, 09:28:09
XMPlay, Options and stuff, DSP, XMPlay2MSN, Config settings do not save accurately. For example, if the check is added to "Show XMPlay Version when not playing a file", we can see "XMPlay 3.3" in the Windows Live Messenger 8.0 window. That is correct but when we remove the check to "Show XMPlay Version when not playing a file", close out XMPlay completely, and reopen it, we can see "XMPlay 3.3" in Windows Live Messenger 8.0 again. That's a bug. Fix it and this will be perfect.

#16 - asdasd_numer_one commented this file on 2006-12-20, 15:37:09
how work this?
where to put it?

#15 - argenesis rated this file 5 stars on 2006-11-07, 05:05:33
Muy Bueno!!! Exelent!!! Thanks!

#14 - BET0 rated this file 5 stars on 2006-10-06, 13:44:39
Plug-in funcional, how-to claro e prático. Uso WinXP com Windows Live Messenger. Parabéns ao Elliot!

Plug-in really works! Good how-to (xmp-msn.txt). I'm using WinXP with Windows Live Messenger. Congratulations, Elliot!

#13 - Googha commented this file on 2006-09-30, 00:23:30
Excelente! =)


#12 - shred rated this file 4 stars on 2006-09-16, 15:23:59
very nice. would be even nicer if would work with miranda im. ;)

#11 - sardaukar rated this file 5 stars on 2006-09-06, 10:42:12
Great stuff, does what it says.

#10 - Ismo Laitela rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-24, 14:49:05
Been happily functioning for several months now. Thanks!

#9 - Ivar commented this file on 2006-07-15, 10:25:48
hello. does this plugin only work with msn or can i also use it in miranda as a universal plgin that just put in the songinformation into a chatwindow?!

#8 - Jack Spratt rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-07, 09:30:10
It Works great for me and I didn't even read the "read me" file, I just tossed it into the bag labled "plugins" ... jeeepers.. it works like a charm !

#7 - raina rated this file 5 stars on 2006-06-24, 11:41:06
A pointer: The plugin may not work if Windows Media Player isn't installed. I know it's crazy, retarted and whatnot but it might actually be Messenger not happily accepting the sent information if it can't find Media Player. I've witnessed this behaviour on stripped Win9x installations. The plugin itself is flawless.

#6 - rudilon commented this file on 2006-06-19, 12:02:05
Hi !
How to get it works ? I follow the readme file by setting up in DSP tab but it still doesn't work. Msn 7.5 here.

#5 - Halloween rated this file 5 stars on 2006-06-09, 16:37:44
Works fine for me!

Ace plug-in!!

#4 - yoshio Montejano rated this file 2 stars on 2006-06-01, 05:42:32
quiero q muestre el titulo y el artista tomado del tag

#3 - Jim rated this file 5 stars on 2006-05-22, 00:27:46
Works perfectly fine for me, too. Been using it for a month now and it's worked the entire time.

Me thinks it's user error in Ethan's case.

#2 - Bilk rated this file 4 stars on 2006-05-21, 22:12:57
It works, no matter what Ethan said. Nice plugin.

#1 - Ethan commented this file on 2006-05-19, 04:35:06
This plug in does not work at all.