Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
This plugin allows XMPlay to play FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) files and streams.
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#60 - Farbex rated this file on 2024-06-16, 08:57:34
I have been using this application for decades
#59 - Vic commented this file on 2023-10-14, 19:27:39
Small and powerful, perfect!
#58 - Phil commented this file on 2023-08-15, 08:50:43
Havene't tried it yet but tx in advance. More power to you.
#57 - Mauno commented this file on 2023-06-13, 15:32:14
Huh, for some reason it works fine for opening .flac files on their own but when I try adding one to a large playlist and playing said file it crashes xmplay.
#56 - dex rated this file on 2023-05-19, 23:52:49
Great plugin works just fine!
just one thing i gotta ask
Seems like the files are being played without interpolation cuz i can hear a hiss everytime the highrange is not being covered by something in the song.
The other players i tested the songs sound just fine, i assume they use linear interpolation.
Could you add that option on the next update?
#55 - sam commented this file on 2023-04-07, 09:22:28
Even better than before...awesome!
Thank you!
#54 - katoue commented this file on 2022-11-27, 05:34:08
Awesome player, thanku!
#53 - uriah commented this file on 2021-09-14, 18:29:55
thanks very much
#52 - Mr. L rated this file on 2021-09-09, 18:57:54
Works perfectly
#51 - asit kumar mahapatra commented this file on 2021-02-05, 13:59:48
my norton 360 roves the flac says ws reputation risk
#50 - Legion commented this file on 2019-10-19, 13:34:04
Why in blazes doesn't XMPlay support FLAC 'out of the box'? Cheers to Mr Luck for rectifying a stupid omission.
#49 - Andrew commented this file on 2019-01-27, 16:25:01
Wow, just wow! This plugin can even successfully handle corrupted files, that almost no other player can!
#48 - jman rated this file on 2018-12-12, 08:05:30
#47 - Khzx-117 rated this file on 2018-03-09, 17:32:02
#46 - Barrack Bombaba rated this file on 2017-10-01, 08:44:56
revision 11. same same but better?
#45 - Xolotl commented this file on 2017-04-04, 05:31:33
Awesome !!!!
#44 - Dr. SLAY rated this file on 2017-01-08, 14:05:05
Works almost perfectly, however whenever I play FLAC files, new istance of XMPlay runs. Happens only with this specifix plugin. Can you take a look at this?
#43 - Mitch rated this file on 2016-09-17, 02:39:20
Awesome Some, Ian. Thank you... hope you're well..
#42 - Hitrpr rated this file on 2016-06-02, 23:31:18
Thanks. Works good!
#41 - Lalo gonzalez commented this file on 2016-03-14, 17:38:17
Buenazo!!! lovely player
#40 - Rafael Maringa rated this file on 2016-02-06, 13:57:07
Thanks! works properly
#39 - Barrack Bombama rated this file on 2016-01-11, 20:54:50
revision 10b = 24.12.2015
#38 - Robn rated this file on 2015-09-13, 07:29:49
Works fine but I can't rate the flac files with stars : the rating disapears when shut down and restart the computer.
#37 - Friend65 commented this file on 2015-09-03, 16:10:25
Its the best player today, Its so cool, thanks!!!!!!!
#36 - mcw rated this file on 2015-05-28, 18:13:32
works fine - plus I can convert to wav for shortcircuit
thanks very much guys
#35 - Zman commented this file on 2014-12-10, 07:53:31
Thank you for contribution!
#34 - KunKKaKing rated this file on 2014-09-04, 12:03:08
Parfait !
#33 - ixpyro rated this file on 2014-08-16, 17:38:28
works great. just place the .dll in the xmplay directory and boom.
#32 - xmPlayUser commented this file on 2014-02-10, 00:16:32
I keep coming back to xmplay, it "Just Works". The FLAC plugin is no exception. Thanks for providing it!
#31 - Guy rated this file on 2014-01-31, 21:48:45
#30 - eNtropy rated this file on 2014-01-25, 18:46:37
Thank you!!! I love simple clean software that just plain works!
#29 - Rod rated this file on 2013-12-21, 22:08:46
#28 - Tibi rated this file on 2013-10-28, 13:52:54
Works like a charm.
#27 - icezolation rated this file on 2013-10-28, 03:56:58
Works great. Had no problems with multiple instances of XMPlay opening up when skipping to another track, as some reported. I deactivated the 'allow multiple instances' (see 'miscellaneous' in the options dialog), maybe this helps.
#26 - f. commented this file on 2013-10-21, 19:01:45
mine is working great
#25 - Bzun commented this file on 2013-10-19, 21:48:42
Cannot play flac. simply does nothing when double clicking a flac file, add to library or add to playlist.
#24 - bassmaniac1903 rated this file on 2013-08-31, 14:28:57
can someone tell me why the 1st song always is tagged 1.cda and the rest are tagged correctly according to artist, album, track, title etc? Thanks
#23 - Sergio Ronei Hentz commented this file on 2013-08-19, 19:32:30
Great ! ! !
XMPlay great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#22 - chigez rated this file on 2013-04-23, 09:19:03
#21 - good for 24 bits / 96k rated this file on 2013-04-06, 13:42:02
good for 24 bits / 96k
good for 24 bits / 96k
Thank U so much :)
#20 - Hidyman rated this file on 2013-02-05, 12:02:53
To make it work that way, you need to go into the options and uncheck allow multiple instances.
#19 - ad rated this file on 2013-01-21, 17:00:17
Works great - make sure you close all instances of XMPlay before trying to play a flac file :)
#18 - nisbahmumtaz rated this file on 2012-07-13, 15:43:27
It works just as it should, which is to play FLAC files.
One complaint I have is that once I play a FLAC file, and decide to play another, it opens up in a new .exe, while still retaining the previously opened FLAC file.
Normally when you open up an MP3 or whatever, and open another one, the previous song is replaced with the "another one" that you just opened.
However, that does not apply here. Once that tiny problem is resolved, this plugin would probably count as flawless.
#17 - Nomaios rated this file on 2012-03-31, 13:03:25
hanxy. good app
#16 - evan rated this file on 2012-02-07, 22:32:05
thanks bro! great job
#15 - happy lucky XMP rated this file on 2011-12-05, 09:06:58
Good job dude. Thanks!
#14 - King Albert rated this file on 2011-11-21, 22:26:20
Great, absolutely great, thanks!
#13 - juan d rated this file on 2011-05-02, 13:00:24
asombroso awasomo great !
#12 - PapyLuc rated this file on 2011-01-15, 10:44:36
Parfait et merçi de Belgique.
#11 - Aleksandar Radenkovic rated this file on 2010-08-04, 07:39:21
Thanks very much works 100%
#10 - Bhavesh rated this file on 2009-11-14, 16:08:36
Thanks a lot for this. Everything about this player is light weight and efficient.
#9 - Daniel rated this file on 2009-03-05, 20:58:08
Nice plugin! Thanks very much!
#8 - ItalianClassic rated this file on 2009-01-06, 14:20:34
Most needed, thank you
#7 - gimli commented this file on 2008-11-23, 13:20:32
thanks, useful
#6 - kkw rated this file on 2008-11-09, 05:18:18
It Just Works - Great stuff!
#5 - ferretti commented this file on 2008-04-12, 01:50:54
thak you
#4 - FLAC supporter commented this file on 2007-02-17, 13:45:03
Works great, even with FLAC 1.1.4 files.
This plugin:
XMP-FLAC is based on libFLAC 1.1.2 by Josh Coalson.
Isn't time to update to FLAC 1.1.4 ?
#3 - DavidH. rated this file on 2007-01-31, 06:52:05
Absolutely love XMPlay. Thanks!
Among the best features for my use pattern: 1) no installation required; 2) plays FLAC.
Request: Any way you could feed back the "Now Playing" to MediaMonkey? I use MM for database / tagging, and it would be great if I could see what is currently playing in XMPlay from within MM (as you can when playing from Winamp).
Thanks again for a great program.
#2 - m rated this file on 2006-11-04, 19:30:31
No problems here, great work.
#1 - toma rated this file on 2006-10-31, 18:19:48
seems to work fine for me, however, I am a novice to this