Oddcast v3.1.18
by oddsock.org
posted on 2007-11-09

This DSP plugin allows you to use XMPlay as a source MP3/Vorbis streaming servers.

<b>You may also need one of the following:</b>
<a href="http://www.icecast.org/" target="_blank">Icecast2 audio streaming server</a>
<a href="http://www.shoutcast.com/download/license.phtml" target="_blank">Shoutcast audio streaming server</a>

Tip: As this is a Winamp installer you will need to copy the files manually.

<b>Required Files:</b>
- dsp_oddcast_v2.dll
- oddcast.ico
- oddcast_editConfig.exe
- oddcastv2.bmp
- bass.dll (Optional)
- basswma.dll (Optional)
- lame.exe (Optional)
- ogg.dll (Optional)
- vorbis.dll (Optional)
- vorbisenc.dll (Optional)

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#20 - v commented this file on 2016-04-29, 05:34:17
its nice

#19 - Barrack Bombama commented this file on 2015-12-22, 07:16:30
not clear why its lamedll.dll; not mixing mic input to stream; crash on switching encoder type; always add strange symbols to Encoder Password at the end, so need to retype it after restart; "add encoder" button better to move far right, as always want to click it for getting Configuration, and delete new encoder possible only to stop all first......to be continued..

#18 - DJ Brajesh commented this file on 2015-07-22, 13:13:26
i like it it is awesome

#17 - Cesar rated this file 5 stars on 2015-06-16, 17:42:15
Thank you

#16 - uriel commented this file on 2015-05-10, 11:35:16
is anyone could install this to aimp3 ?

#15 - nikhil commented this file on 2015-04-02, 10:19:29

#14 - diogo commented this file on 2014-04-06, 23:32:59
Muy bueno

#13 - abdou rated this file 5 stars on 2014-02-27, 14:06:15

#12 - angel commented this file on 2013-10-20, 15:04:23

#11 - gaston commented this file on 2013-10-17, 03:49:40
muy bueno

#10 - Dr.Flay commented this file on 2013-09-11, 17:08:10
Version 3.1.21 is available from

But you should get v3.33.2011.1026 from

#9 - Duck Landes commented this file on 2013-06-05, 22:17:04
The Oddcast program was renamed Edcast some years ago. Then totally discontinued. The oddcast.org website has been offline several years by now. But the project has been continued by others as Edcast-Reborn which is much more stable than the old Oddcast and has new features including AAC and AAC+ support.

#8 - Reza-A91 commented this file on 2013-03-29, 22:46:18
I've got also Oddcast v3, but it just doesn't save any config! when you OK and come back ,you can see that the oassword textbox for example, shows the previous information, not yours! So you just can't get connected.

What's wrog with my shoutcast? , can you just help me?

#7 - Peter rated this file 3 stars on 2011-11-09, 14:17:54
I like this

#6 - OLe rated this file 4 stars on 2011-04-17, 03:51:26
Cool DSP

#5 - ARI commented this file on 2008-08-17, 13:41:38

#4 - Elrinth commented this file on 2008-05-12, 10:55:20
How exactly to use this? I can't find it anywhere in XMPLay even tho I copied all files, do i need something special to find it?

#3 - Draget rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-10, 17:56:38
Supports Shoutcast and IceCast. Along with IceCast, OGG and/or ACC this streaming plugin - once cinfigured - is REALLY powerful. Great pice of software =)

#2 - Hugo rated this file 1 star on 2006-11-24, 03:47:59
If you have firewall this program is not for you.

#1 - dotpitch rated this file 5 stars on 2006-05-13, 17:01:51
Connects to ShoutCast and IceCast servers. Ideal for streaming AAC+ with XMPlay (external dll needed).