4.11.1 - Encoders
by Dotpitch, 2011-07-15 15:00:00

Options and stuff - Output - Encoders

Instead of sending the audio to your soundcard, XMPlay can also pass it to an encoder. Any encoder that has a command line interface can be used with XMPlay. From the dropdown box, you can select a preset. If you type a new name in the box, you can click the Add button to create a new preset. Remove deletes the current preset. In the Command-line box you should put the command line syntax XMPlay should use to run the encoder. If the encoder supports STDIN (most modern encoders do), use - on the command line. If it doesn't, use %i and XMPlay will write a temporary WAV-file for the encoder to work with. Ticking Normalize will use the normalized WAV-writer rather than the regular one. The Default file extension box should contain the extension the file should have after encoding, so XMPlay can name the output file properly. Finally, Resolution determines the bit depth of the audio being sent to the encoder, either a specific resolution (8, 16, 24 or 32 bit) or the one following from the output settings.

For more information on setting up encoders, refer to Advanced Output: External Encoders.

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