Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Extra ToolsSkins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Extra ToolsThis DSP plugin allows you to use XMPlay as a source MP3 streaming servers.
<b>You may also need the following:</b>
Shoutcast audio streaming server
Tip: As this is a Winamp installer you will need to copy the files manually.
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#17 - RADIO KOSMAJ rated this file on 2018-08-29, 13:49:26
#16 - jonas toribio commented this file on 2016-03-24, 00:30:07
radiowb gratis
#15 - aaaaaa rated this file on 2014-01-21, 03:09:58
#14 - nick rated this file on 2013-10-16, 11:08:34
thank you
#13 - Guitarman2011 rated this file on 2013-05-07, 09:24:49
nice tool
#12 - Mario rated this file on 2012-10-18, 01:02:03
Me alegro haber conocido este programa, es para exelente, consume nada de recursos, ademas con todos los add dons y plugs es exelente.
#11 - ocean commented this file on 2012-10-03, 23:12:47
voila je me sert du shout cast v1.9.0avec winanp pour faire des animations radio mais jele probleme c est que les reglages du shout cast ne reste pas des que je ferme le shoust cast je suis actuement sous seven il parait qu il y a une application qui permet de maintenir les reglaces sur le shout cast j espere avoir des reponse a mon probleme qui persiste depuis juillet
#10 - DAGO CORONELL rated this file on 2012-09-29, 04:08:46
Me parece excelente y muy facil de operar
#9 - Tirex commented this file on 2012-05-03, 20:48:32
PRO programik!
#8 - Ole rated this file on 2011-04-17, 03:54:26
Cool DSP
#7 - Capo rated this file on 2010-06-30, 01:52:49
Che, por si a alguien le sirve: para instalar el plug in sin tener winamp instalado, hacé click derecho en la carpeta de instalacion del xmplay, ponés nuevo -> archivo de texto -> y le ponés el nombre "Winamp.exe" -> aceptar y listo... ahora el shoutcast creerá que el winamp está instalado allí.
#6 - PCJ commented this file on 2008-08-15, 13:20:13
You can install SHOUTcast without WinAmp if you place a dummy file in installdir with the name winamp.exe.
#5 - yo, i need help commented this file on 2008-05-13, 19:40:54
I can't get shoutcast working with xmplay.. with winamp (recommended) as encoder, it doesn't give any sound.. but with microphone I get sound.
#4 - Shakeno commented this file on 2008-03-08, 18:06:25
I'd like to know too if there is a way to install this plugin without Winamp... if somebody knows... please, tell us how. Thanks ;-)
#3 - pyc commented this file on 2008-02-21, 13:13:21
is there a way to install this plugin witout Winamp
#2 - loggus PRIME # rated this file on 2006-12-02, 00:50:12
There is a more recent version of the dsp plugin. Do you plan on hosting it?
#1 - Bobby - rated this file on 2006-04-23, 16:29:00
Fantastic player but just one question how can I listen each song one after one not in disorder.
Comment from Rah'Dick:
XMPlay plays all songs in the order in which you added the files to the playlist. To sort them by filename, right-click the Random/Sort Button on the playlist panel and select "sort by filename".