Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
New in this version:
* Improved support for filetype association on Windows 10
* Optional capitalisation of tag names in "Message" info
* Playback position is included in tray icon tooltip
* "Save track position upon closing" option now applies when paused/stopped too
* Relative paths in saved playlists now use ".." to traverse parent folders
* Saved playlists can be set to use back or forward slashes in paths
* Bringing XMPlay to foreground when opening files from Windows Explorer is now optional
* M3U8 extension added to filetype association options
* Detection of OPL instruments in OMPT files
* Optional checking for beta updates
* Fix to stop paused playback auto-resuming after system sleep
* Fix for soundcard detection in Windows 10 v2004 ("Microsoft Sound Mapper" renamed to "Default")
* Fix/workaround for HE-AAC seeking bug in Windows 10 AAC decoder
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#189 - Cameron commented this file on 2024-12-16, 23:42:31
Dropping in to show respect for this legendary program. Been using XMPlay since 2007...nothing else comes close!
#188 - Rémi commented this file on 2024-12-10, 10:34:13
Happy Xmplay user since 2005. I use this probram in my class everyday (iXMplay skin), it runs smoothly on everything (Old and beat up PCs), has perfect portability, easy EQing (Perfect for crusty sound systems), etc. Almost 20 years now... Never thought i'd use a program for so long!
#187 - Gigio rated this file on 2024-12-09, 18:40:06
Xmplay forever!!!!
#186 - Helinux rated this file on 2024-12-02, 06:10:00
#185 - Lampa commented this file on 2024-11-21, 13:51:26
I'm user of XmPlay from many years...
In 2024 we are still here!!!
#184 - oyabun p commented this file on 2024-11-21, 08:26:57
a great alt for other win apps!
#183 - Robert Garczyński from Łódź (Poland) rated this file on 2024-11-17, 13:33:16
Very good player!
#182 - Kofi Suyo commented this file on 2024-11-15, 10:07:07
Excellent and easy to use- I recommend
#181 - Maxkatsur rated this file on 2024-11-03, 12:11:14
It's pretty good, but some formats aren't supported yet by default (Opus, APE), only through plugins... and no proper 64-bit support (64-bit allows more than 4GB of RAM to be used)... and doesn't support subsongs inside streamed audio file formats (VGMStream, Ogg)... no spectrogram yet, no DirectMusic (DLS/SGT/SGY), and no FM synthesis within S3M is supported at all. I hope that the next stable release will include such changes, but I'm afraid not all of mu suggestions.
#180 - Artyom A.A. rated this file on 2024-10-11, 12:01:46
Wow! I can't find the words, this program is almost the best of its kind. It is easily able to compete with other audio players.
#179 - Harold L Moles commented this file on 2024-10-02, 01:13:35
Love it. My right arm
#178 - Adilson commented this file on 2024-09-02, 15:41:23
Ótimo programa
#177 - lebon luc commented this file on 2024-08-18, 02:32:43
#176 - Isra Vega rated this file on 2024-08-17, 01:40:01
Excellent program!! easy, light, powerfull... I love it!!! <3
Greatting from México!!!
#175 - Filipe Santos rated this file on 2024-08-01, 14:57:05
Thank you.
#174 - James commented this file on 2024-07-18, 00:04:55
#173 - Alberto rated this file on 2024-07-12, 04:07:55
Perfeito, simples e objetivo como deve ser. Recomendo fortemente.
#172 - Valeriy commented this file on 2024-07-05, 15:58:42
The best mp-player in the world
#171 - Maltopin M commented this file on 2024-03-05, 06:42:32
This is very new fresh!
#170 - Xogroroth commented this file on 2024-02-14, 20:21:35
Is there a pure 64bit version, please?
I have a tiny amount of songs; "(47581 items [77 days+14:23:44][477.53GB] in 0.151 sec" according to WinAmp.
I have to use LAA to keep WinAmp from crashing, due to being mere 32 bit.
I'll never understand, why people in the era of 64bit keep creating 32bit nonsense ... .
Why hamper yourself, when you have 64bit?
Thank you.
#169 - Chotito commented this file on 2024-02-12, 16:54:43
#168 - John Doe rated this file on 2024-02-11, 11:39:51
Best audio player until now !!! (11 Feb 2024)
#167 - Alexandre Prado - From Brazil rated this file on 2024-02-10, 14:49:22
#166 - Wil9 rated this file on 2024-01-06, 16:08:21
The best player in the world. Its main attributes are: it does not need to be installed (unzip and use), minimal hardware consumption (RAM, hard drive space and processor cycles) and a wide variety of skins. Thanks for the development of this software.
#165 - TheLevelCode rated this file on 2023-12-24, 18:34:35
I was searching for a player that can open MO3 files, then by searching I found XMPlay (From an external website) and only used it to test the files, after using it for a couple of days more, it instantly became my favourite music player of all time. A software that can do so much and it's less than half a megabyte on size it's simply amazing (Also fell in love with XMPlay when I found out I could play MOD files as well). Love the design and the visualizers. Greetings from Argentina
#164 - Juan Jose Royes rated this file on 2023-12-13, 23:54:09
Muy rapido y eficiente en cualquier pc.
#163 - The best commented this file on 2023-12-09, 23:07:58
The best ever since Winamp
#162 - Mar quis commented this file on 2023-11-24, 17:13:17
#161 - Kofi Ketewa rated this file on 2023-11-14, 10:15:43
This is the simplest and efficient Music Software I have ever used. Having manipulated different sounds- from brain waves at different levels_ from Low delta waves through Theta, Alpha, to Beta & More. As such have been really acquainted with sounds and related software(s); and this SOFTWARE- xmplay is the easiest of Software of all - Guaranteed. I feel indebted to post this message. "C'est le meilleur de tous" SIMPLY the BEST!!!!!!! K Ketewa-région Parisien.
#160 - Roziman rated this file on 2023-11-13, 11:34:42
#159 - Keltexx1996 rated this file on 2023-11-12, 21:19:38
laverdad yo lo utilice hace 10 años ahora vengo buscandolo ya que me es muy eficiente y compacto el reproducctor y tiene versatilidad de skins, saludos y exelente programa
#158 - Kalamun commented this file on 2023-10-27, 18:23:21
Still downloading, installing and using daily.
#157 - Marcos rated this file on 2023-10-17, 23:20:12
Better than using Windows Media Player or MS Groove Music.
Already vibing with the WINAMP skin.
#156 - Kevin rated this file on 2023-10-14, 01:33:34
#155 - kevin commented this file on 2023-10-11, 10:14:02
#154 - Marivaldo rated this file on 2023-09-26, 16:48:45
Exlecente programa.
#153 - 2004 veteran rated this file on 2023-09-22, 01:52:07
I have used XMPlay for almost 20 years now and it's still the best! Thank you for keeping it alive!
#152 - daniel rated this file on 2023-09-18, 16:52:41
Every new PC installed necessarily includes xmplay. Thanks from Argentina
#151 - xm play rated this file on 2023-09-11, 11:12:51
XM play is the best.
#150 - crown commented this file on 2023-09-04, 18:41:53
nice app
#149 - Dany0 rated this file on 2023-09-03, 22:59:26
Thank you for all the years. XMPlay was just the best on low-end hardware
#148 - RustyRebar rated this file on 2023-08-31, 09:29:18
I use XMPlay from XP era. What Winamp cannot play XMPlay is here to help
#147 - Tjahzi of uN aMOr rated this file on 2023-08-03, 12:55:26
XMPlay is the best.
#146 - Jorge commented this file on 2023-08-02, 20:13:32
top xmplay
#145 - Miguel Rodriguez commented this file on 2023-08-01, 02:50:23
very good softwere
#144 - John chacko commented this file on 2023-07-31, 18:05:11
Do you have 64 bit version for Windows 11?
Windows 11 rejects 32 bit.
#143 - Farbex rated this file on 2023-07-31, 07:22:40
Best audio player. I always use it
#142 - GusTavoZioN rated this file on 2023-06-24, 05:23:58
the best and smallest player in the world!
i love it!
thx so much
#141 - Gabogandi rated this file on 2023-06-21, 14:54:56
El mejor, siempre!
#140 - karl commented this file on 2023-06-15, 13:17:04
great job
#139 - kim ki chon commented this file on 2023-06-15, 01:27:16
good jop
#138 - Esgorhannoth rated this file on 2023-06-12, 20:53:03
My fav player of all times, no kidding.
#137 - paulus boskabouter rated this file on 2023-06-07, 17:57:50
4e lustrum reeds 4 me !!
#136 - Luis Bueno rated this file on 2023-05-27, 18:02:19
Great App. Soft and easy
#135 - Víctor Gonzalez rated this file on 2023-04-22, 21:06:51
Genial, se merecen todos los reconocimientos.
#134 - Eduardo Santos rated this file on 2023-04-09, 10:09:00
The best
#133 - Goltram rated this file on 2023-04-04, 18:47:20
Love it
#132 - chris 5 rated this file on 2023-04-01, 19:01:35
best ever
#131 - rob commented this file on 2023-03-29, 23:53:13
#130 - Mavortis Ceasar commented this file on 2023-02-23, 11:48:29
Finally got fed up with KMPlayer choking on music files with an error message 'cannot connect video' when an audio only file was being played. Time to go retro with a small simple program.
#129 - Daniel - Grupo Infomax - PF-RS-BR rated this file on 2023-02-02, 23:12:00
Thx for this GREAT SOFTWARE. Eu sou apaixonado por esse player desde o dia que conheci, a mais de 20 anos atrás. Obrigado por todos estes dias, onde boa parte da trilha sonora foi reproduzida de forma leve, graças a vocês.
#128 - astro commented this file on 2023-01-26, 17:51:34
Thank you
#127 - Nice commented this file on 2023-01-10, 01:04:36
#126 - Ricardo Hentz commented this file on 2022-12-28, 00:22:38
Thank you all XMPLAY Team. I´ve been using this player since 1999 (if i´m not mistaken). It was the only player, my old 486 CPU would be able to run, and here I am, still not found a better one. Simple and effective. Great job guys!
#125 - pHasedBased commented this file on 2022-12-24, 22:27:43
.mod challenge..... geeZ
#124 - pHasedBased commented this file on 2022-12-24, 22:26:50
You heLped me getting a christmas .mos within an hour to WAV on soundcLoud just for a chellenge!!! :)
#123 - Dj rated this file on 2022-12-18, 15:44:01
#122 - Jade Jetts rated this file on 2022-12-13, 05:36:25
started using this after watching Ahoy's tracker documentary a few months ago to listen to mod files, stuck around for every other file type it can load!! the amount of plugins and themes are astounding and i'm glad i found this player :]
#121 - Hadsada rated this file on 2022-12-10, 16:05:01
Waiting for the next update......
#120 - Инженер commented this file on 2022-11-13, 09:46:02
#119 - Frank commented this file on 2022-11-04, 14:55:35
Brilliant MP3 player - have been using it for awhile now. It
has everything that I need without any unnecessary complicated things - Well done!
#118 - normal penis rated this file on 2022-11-03, 16:30:15
Simplicity at its best.
#117 - Niksfish commented this file on 2022-11-01, 21:05:13
Thanks for the update. Good old school mp3 player!
#116 - Daniel R rated this file on 2022-10-10, 12:49:49
The best mp3 and flac player for the Windows platform. The lightest on resources among all existing players around (cpu time and memory footprint), and the most responsive (latency time). No unnecessary functionality/bloat. Keep up the good work!
#115 - Zander commented this file on 2022-10-06, 11:43:45
I am happy I was reminded that this exists.
#114 - jaewon commented this file on 2022-09-17, 13:53:36
#113 - Helinux commented this file on 2022-08-27, 00:44:32
#112 - Sargis commented this file on 2022-08-26, 04:42:53
Thank you for a good player, I have been using it for more than 15 years!
#111 - Alex Wilson rated this file on 2022-08-16, 06:25:30
cannot use, - 100% 1 cpu thread usage because of msvcrt.dll (7.0.17763.1). clean '2019 essential' install. same hight cpu usage on 2016 datacenter. And please make f5 button - refresh device list without restarting at Output - Device tab, asked 9 years ago already =(
Admin: Hey mate, please post on the forum so we can fix that issue for you! Be sure to try the latest stuff version.
#110 - Zard rated this file on 2022-08-03, 16:28:21
Amazingly light-weight. Excellent!
#109 - Suri rated this file on 2022-07-28, 02:25:28
Not bad
#108 - BodomLake commented this file on 2022-07-13, 07:28:59
great work!
#107 - Ben rated this file on 2022-07-07, 12:34:10
2022 and still the king, great work Ian
#106 - Helinux commented this file on 2022-05-30, 01:20:08
Obrigado!!!! valeu
#105 - ATRoller rated this file on 2022-05-27, 12:20:32
#104 - Jota rated this file on 2022-05-25, 16:05:39
#103 - Cleber Magalhães rated this file on 2022-05-23, 02:15:22
Still The most useful program. Even better than Winamp today.
#102 - whatever commented this file on 2022-05-14, 16:17:22
#101 - n3 commented this file on 2022-05-13, 01:19:47
#100 - Junio commented this file on 2022-05-05, 19:40:42
#99 - UP commented this file on 2022-04-26, 00:19:13
I wanr to try It
#98 - yudi rated this file on 2022-04-21, 14:04:14
seem a very good software
#97 - Gilson commented this file on 2022-04-19, 17:44:45
Muito bom programa!!!!
#96 - Aliisa commented this file on 2022-04-18, 12:58:12
Great player with lot's of customization options and a gorgeous aesthetic
#95 - :-D rated this file on 2022-03-05, 12:50:43
Great app
#94 - Herriemen rated this file on 2022-02-26, 12:43:29
Prettig en licht programma. Doet precies waarvoor ik het wilde gebruiken. Veel mogelijkheden.
Equalizer, auto amp.playlists etc. (te?) veel skins.
#93 - Aino rated this file on 2022-02-21, 03:32:06
Lovely player
#92 - Rohit Sarma rated this file on 2022-02-18, 13:48:09
Thank you for making such an excellent lighweight app.
#91 - Zion rated this file on 2022-02-17, 15:26:54
Petit par la taille, mais géant pour l'écoute !
#90 - BENSON rated this file on 2022-02-10, 07:59:32
thanks for the music player
#89 - Erik rated this file on 2022-02-08, 14:47:51
Crossing my fingers for continued support! My #1 audio player/converter for all purposes since 2000s.
A hi-res default skin for 4K resolution would be awesome.
#88 - Helinux rated this file on 2022-01-23, 00:08:15
Amazing!!!! obrigado!!!!
#87 - anand rated this file on 2022-01-22, 14:35:27
#86 - Timotheus commented this file on 2021-12-30, 06:58:08
Like&Subscribe =)
#85 - Yves rated this file on 2021-12-28, 14:56:33
This has been a must-have on all my computers from windows 98 to windows 11. Many thanks to all the people who keep this great program alive, you're kings!
#84 - Joanna rated this file on 2021-12-15, 09:18:29
I had been looking for a super lightweight music player and I can finally use my **** 2008 Netbook Win7 Starter as music server! Windows Media Player was asking too much from it and the tracks kept jumping. Thanks!
#83 - Jaromir rated this file on 2021-12-07, 12:05:28
Great Program! I would just like to suggest the implementation of the possibility to show track info window and playlist window at once - without switching. That would allow us to have Playlist and cover art displayed together for example.
#82 - John tgb rated this file on 2021-11-23, 15:59:27
great progam
#81 - Alpharisc rated this file on 2021-11-23, 11:48:23
Love it many many many many years later.
#80 - giovannino jonny rated this file on 2021-11-20, 19:37:06
buono ed ottimo
#79 - ELVIO BOTTAZZI rated this file on 2021-11-16, 14:28:25
Me encanta este reproductor hace años que lo uso
#78 - Roziman rated this file on 2021-11-06, 07:34:03
My Fav Audio Player
#77 - r_goose rated this file on 2021-10-26, 09:50:28
So light and so good..!!!
#76 - Ti rated this file on 2021-10-22, 18:24:26
My all-time favorite audio player.
#75 - Comentropy rated this file on 2021-10-14, 07:51:10
very nice
#74 - Atsuい rated this file on 2021-10-10, 18:23:18
I can't find a better music player. Also, the Euphoria skin ages like a fine wine!
Greetings from Finland. Pitäkää toisistanne huolta!
#73 - Wernher rated this file on 2021-09-17, 20:11:35
thanks for the music player
now go watch all 26 Neon Genesis Evangelion episodes, plus the 2 movies and then the 4 even newer movies.
It's well worth it.
Best show of all time
#72 - GioPas rated this file on 2021-09-07, 08:54:30
Tutto Ok
#71 - vijay commented this file on 2021-09-05, 06:33:44
ok good thank you
#70 - jose sarmiento commented this file on 2021-09-03, 23:17:49
bueno y practico
#69 - carlos loyola rated this file on 2021-09-02, 01:44:03
excelente el mejor reproductsor , fiel me a acompañado por años
#68 - Vojta Nedved rated this file on 2021-08-24, 07:21:42
I've been using XMplay since ever. In that time it was the only precise player of XM modules for Windows. Portable and powerful, even today it's my favourite music player.
#67 - one of the gyvers rated this file on 2021-08-23, 11:19:36
how many years passed since i started using xmplay, forgot, nevermind. it can constantly run on background in my over 10year laptop. thanks for making it free, i hope i can support when i got a decent job.
#66 - Ravikumar rated this file on 2021-08-19, 08:29:37
Light weight and quite.
#65 - While E. Coyote commented this file on 2021-08-18, 13:28:19
Un Reproductor Excelente
#64 - Exocet rated this file on 2021-08-15, 13:00:16
Still the best module player for Windows!
#63 - holacrosty rated this file on 2021-08-13, 03:25:55
It sounds tremendous. It does not produce acoustic stress.
I just tested against winamp and cannot believe the difference. I dont know were is the trick but it sounds like "acousticly balanced" and "high softened fidelity".
It is superlightweight and options panel is not copmplicated.
Now I have to customize it. wow.. thank you man. Great work.
#62 - yo commented this file on 2021-08-13, 01:37:23
Since 1998? wow. I have to try it.
#61 - pitt commented this file on 2021-08-01, 16:44:13
#60 - Phil rated this file on 2021-07-29, 14:04:57
Great piece of software. Thanks
#59 - ZeroDarkAge rated this file on 2021-07-27, 14:44:09
Best "Winamp" like Ever! XMPLAY Rulez!
#58 - XMGOOD commented this file on 2021-07-27, 00:41:56
#57 - Mentitas Limón commented this file on 2021-07-21, 00:55:01
This is the most awesome mp3 player, faster and minimalist.
#56 - xm rated this file on 2021-07-20, 07:00:37
best player i ever had in my entire life
#55 - mario rated this file on 2021-07-01, 15:14:11
The best for playing Amiga mods in 2021.
#54 - Ivan rated this file on 2021-07-01, 10:22:35
The "-play" command line option does not work in the 3.8.5 release but works flawlessly in version
#53 - Dex rated this file on 2021-06-30, 17:18:32
omg thanks
#52 - lysis rated this file on 2021-06-30, 01:27:30
yeehaw buy a burger
#51 - Lexx rated this file on 2021-06-22, 11:39:50
#50 - Gravity rated this file on 2021-06-13, 02:57:29
#49 - HARTUNG-MICHAEL commented this file on 2021-05-28, 17:50:07
#48 - Cortland rated this file on 2021-05-28, 04:38:39
Older and smaller? VERY cool. Cooler? Does everything? SWEET!
#47 - Microbi rated this file on 2021-05-23, 07:44:38
Znakomity program. Dziękuję.
#46 - dalton rated this file on 2021-05-12, 16:55:15
Excelente reproductor. El mejor.
#45 - Jonathan rated this file on 2021-05-01, 18:49:15
Great program. Thanks
#44 - Wow. Great! rated this file on 2021-04-22, 08:08:10
Wow. Great!
#43 - leanlea rated this file on 2021-04-18, 07:15:52
muy elegante
#42 - SpitFireTM rated this file on 2021-04-12, 21:26:42
Simple and cool player. Thank you for this application!!!
#41 - 玉城育造 rated this file on 2021-04-11, 11:21:05
#40 - Francisco Borges commented this file on 2021-04-08, 17:18:23
You are paranoid, I would love it if it was in Portuguese.
#39 - Dany SR commented this file on 2021-04-08, 01:15:27
Thank you. 12 years using it and it still have <500 KB
#38 - Charles F commented this file on 2021-04-02, 18:47:20
Thanks so much for this awesome program! I've tried so many music players and yours is by far the best.
#37 - Arch Beard commented this file on 2021-04-01, 01:50:35
Thank you for your continued work with XMPlay. This is truly a wonderful player. Keep up the great work!
#36 - Jon_x commented this file on 2021-03-29, 14:39:26
R6034 - runtime error - xmplay load C runtime library incorrectly. Only since a windoze update. ?
#35 - Roine commented this file on 2021-03-26, 23:59:36
I want my Amiga back
#34 - H8Ball rated this file on 2021-03-23, 11:28:36
Forgot to rate... Have 5 stars on me as a much deserved thank you!
#33 - H8Ball commented this file on 2021-03-23, 11:27:11
Lightweight, easy to use and plays everything I throw at it. Have used it for over 10 years and have no intention of changing. Well done on a fantastic free product!
#32 - Banago rated this file on 2021-03-21, 09:20:25
--==[ BEST PLAYER EVER !!! ]==--
#31 - Atsuい rated this file on 2021-03-19, 02:32:21
Using 11 years already and going strong! Way to go XMPlay.
#30 - LKW commented this file on 2021-03-18, 05:23:31
Love It+++++++.
#29 - @&&@ rated this file on 2021-03-15, 12:31:52
From 2009 to 2021
My best player+++
#28 - Rnooo rated this file on 2021-03-13, 07:16:11
Lite, fast, lots of formats readed, exensive skins ... all I like, Thank you for your works !
#27 - Peter rated this file on 2021-03-01, 08:44:11
I'm using it for quite a while now. It's a great player with the necessary things. There are many skins and visuals if needed. Nice sounding, greatly customizable.
Thank you for developing it!
#26 - Roan rated this file on 2021-02-20, 21:44:27
Just setup new PC, and for some reason decided to see if there was a newer XMPLAY version than the one from 2014.
And there actually is one. Unbelievable!
#25 - Luis Roberto Rigon commented this file on 2021-02-20, 20:43:41
This is the best player i have used since long time. I'd like tho have one like this to use in cell phone.
#24 - ilko iliev commented this file on 2021-02-20, 13:21:48
#23 - edd commented this file on 2021-02-20, 11:52:06
no deja de lanzar una ventana emergente de option and stuff y no se cierra ayuda
#22 - vStork rated this file on 2021-02-16, 14:44:20
Great music player. Simple and effective. Lots of plugins, skins, and settings available. Audio imaging is the best.
#21 - Harry commented this file on 2021-02-11, 23:02:05
Thanks let,s go tst xmplay
#20 - Diego commented this file on 2021-02-11, 15:40:25
Hi there !! I would like to know how I can get the xmplay-on and xmplay-of files to program the use of XMPLay from the zara radio. thanks !!
Hola !! quisera saber de que menera puedo obtener los archivos xmplay-on y xmplay-of para programar la utilzación del XMPLay desde el zara radio. gracias !!
#19 - claudio commented this file on 2021-02-11, 10:21:27
grazie x il miglior software
#18 - Owl rated this file on 2021-02-10, 22:33:05
Awesome performance (almost no delay moving the controls), excellent add-ons, very easy operation and very good sound
#17 - Meow rated this file on 2021-02-08, 10:30:25
Thanks for this great software!!!
#16 - 😈 rated this file on 2021-02-05, 01:22:01
I want to know how many people are using it
#15 - Carlin rated this file on 2021-02-03, 19:29:32
falta traduccion al español
#14 - oiz commented this file on 2021-02-02, 17:23:34
how is this still getting updated?? this looks at least 12 years old
#13 - Exocet rated this file on 2021-01-30, 13:14:38
Thanks for a great program!
#12 - Madman/Amnesty commented this file on 2021-01-25, 00:34:42
best ever:)
#11 - Nick rated this file on 2021-01-23, 21:56:45
Better than the others player
#10 - Felix rated this file on 2021-01-20, 02:53:45
Still best in 2021😍
#9 - juan commented this file on 2021-01-19, 19:32:37
vamos a probarlo
#8 - Mario commented this file on 2021-01-16, 16:21:10
Me gusta, super ligero!!!
#7 - mikiqex rated this file on 2021-01-16, 06:28:58
Absolute gem! Thank you for keeping it alive. Small resource footprint, great features, compact skins, overall superb.
#6 - Rumpampul commented this file on 2021-01-15, 21:13:47
best for unreal tournament
#5 - Denffer rated this file on 2021-01-08, 13:49:17
simple interface,but mighty inner
#4 - Tim rated this file on 2021-01-05, 13:49:21
I am a new fans.Love it!
#3 - Matthew Newcastle rated this file on 2021-01-04, 05:22:29
using it since 2013 my player of choice
#2 - Oscar Castro rated this file on 2020-12-22, 18:19:36
Deberian dejar que XMplay pueda ser controlado en su eq y opciones con controladores midi con sliders o con Kobs, sería genial y unico
#1 - Serg commented this file on 2020-10-02, 17:16:25
Wow. Great!