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Extra Tools
AHX/HVL (revision 18.2)
by Sebastian "Fraggie" Szczepaniak
posted on 2016-09-26

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#4 - Murphy rated this file 4 stars on 2017-01-26, 10:27:26
Great plugin. :)

However when AHX files are in the playlist only one file will be played in the loop and no advancing will be done to the next song. Is there a way to change/configure the plugin to do this?

#3 - Albert rated this file 5 stars on 2013-07-11, 18:04:03
Works great for me! @Juno: it don't crashes on my system with the MOD Pattern on (Win8/64bit - AHX/HVL revision 17a). Maybe you use an outdated plugin version?

#2 - Juno commented this file on 2013-03-12, 20:58:37
The AHX/HVL Pattern/Dot-Mode Display visualization makes XMPlay crash every time. Since it is selected automatically from the usual MOD Pattern Display it makes it impossible to reproduce a AHX or HVL file safely if you like to have the pattern display on.

#1 - byc rated this file 5 stars on 2012-05-28, 11:32:16
this plugin is great - it plays ahx files flawlessly and sound is superb