Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
New in this versions:
* Decoder/plugin saved settings
* Replaygain included in amplification saved settings
* Tag-based saved settings
* Priority filetypes for input plugins
* Use of the source sample resolution when writing to disk
* Shortcut reordering
* Playback state resetting when looping non-looped MODs
* Playlist track number column is now optional
* Average play count per month in library
* Improved search support for diacritics
* Clearing of the folder/URL/search history
* Windows default output device ("Microsoft Sound Mapper")
* Support for UTF-16 playlists
* Support for opening URLs via DDE
* Gapless support for iTunes MP3 files
* Overriding of Explorer's "Hide extensions for known file types" setting
* Sample resolution added to WAV/AIFF "General" info
* WMA plugin: Sample resolution added to "General" info
* WMA plugin: Proxy support
* WADSP plugin: Bit borrowing for headroom to avoid clipping
* Skinning improvements (see skinning kit)
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#297 - Ray commented this file on 2013-01-04, 22:27:00
Thanks for your time and effort
#296 - Luiz Coelho rated this file on 2012-12-31, 02:32:14
Great Player! I'm using a long, long time... congratulations.
#295 - Elvio Bottazzi, Córdoba, Argentina commented this file on 2012-12-22, 14:16:35
Excelente reproductor lo uso desde hace muchos años
#294 - Daiana rated this file on 2012-12-15, 15:52:05
vi en una web q lo recomendaban
asi q lo voy a usar
#293 - Itto rated this file on 2012-12-14, 16:33:27
#292 - k commented this file on 2012-12-11, 07:20:59
#291 - Bnaya commented this file on 2012-12-02, 14:17:27
Muy buena
#290 - Jololo rated this file on 2012-11-30, 18:02:11
The best player i ever tried, it gots a lot of fuctions and still is light, i love this thing i use it on my netbook. Congrotulations im from argentina and I dont write quiete well in English but anyway great player!
#289 - littlesand rated this file on 2012-11-28, 06:33:56
I just need a Codec.
#288 - Bill commented this file on 2012-11-20, 20:02:42
Sadly, I was brought here on the misinformation that this program included a conversion utility
#287 - WILLIAN commented this file on 2012-11-13, 05:10:34
#286 - juan carlos cocca rated this file on 2012-11-10, 01:18:22
Chiquito y potente como un Diamante! Felicitaciones!
#285 - MrGamer rated this file on 2012-11-07, 09:17:46
Before XMPlay came along, I had to use... eeeeww... modplug player
Keep up the great work!
#284 - Andreas Rohdin / MrGamer commented this file on 2012-10-29, 11:23:33
XmPlay is >the< most awesome player for Module Formats.
With a few plugins you can listen to virtually ANY module, midi-type
and Chip-Tune, like C-64 SID's and similar Audio-Chips.
Rock on!
With regards - MrGamer of Chimera Music.
#283 - alessandro rated this file on 2012-10-28, 18:09:24
#282 - kostas commented this file on 2012-10-27, 15:50:47
θα το δοκιμασω εχω ακουσει καλα λογια
#281 - Poison rated this file on 2012-10-22, 16:34:46
#280 - GLRIAM commented this file on 2012-10-21, 19:47:33
#279 - vassilis commented this file on 2012-10-18, 17:01:00
quite good
#278 - George commented this file on 2012-10-14, 01:12:05
a version for android.. :D ???
#277 - Amin rated this file on 2012-10-13, 20:28:43
Small Tiny Program that i love more than WMP
#276 - TRACKER rated this file on 2012-10-12, 04:41:13
best instead of wmp
#275 - great commented this file on 2012-10-04, 18:47:46
#274 - excellent commented this file on 2012-10-04, 12:37:14
very good
#273 - hai commented this file on 2012-09-25, 15:54:29
ple give me
#272 - Mauricio rated this file on 2012-09-23, 00:22:58
Muy buen programa excelente!!!
#271 - prosper commented this file on 2012-09-22, 08:11:39
i like it
#270 - cristian commented this file on 2012-09-22, 00:15:42
me gusta por k consume pocos recursos!
#269 - serge1007 commented this file on 2012-09-19, 07:17:31
Beautifull work!
#268 - Alice rated this file on 2012-09-12, 05:47:37
Thanks ! It's very very Nice !
#267 - bowman commented this file on 2012-09-08, 16:23:25
like it
#266 - josh commented this file on 2012-08-25, 14:58:27
thanks man
#265 - Fer.Mx rated this file on 2012-08-23, 22:05:58
#264 - nr55 rated this file on 2012-08-23, 09:19:06
is this the latest version ?
#263 - eiradj panahi rated this file on 2012-08-20, 04:50:24
it is really excellent ....
#262 - Rakib rated this file on 2012-08-19, 18:40:04
#261 - David commented this file on 2012-08-14, 20:15:07
Llevo usando WInamp más de 10 años. Voy probar este nuevo reproductor a ver qué tal....
#260 - Alan J Perkins commented this file on 2012-08-14, 11:06:09
I love it, it's beautiful.
#259 - jack rated this file on 2012-08-08, 00:41:31
very good!!
#258 - Fellipe rated this file on 2012-08-05, 19:34:05
A very nice player! For me, the best one!!!
#257 - Roshan commented this file on 2012-08-04, 17:42:32
#256 - will rated this file on 2012-08-01, 04:22:14
very good
#255 - Carlos (Arg) rated this file on 2012-07-30, 03:52:08
#254 - Carlos (Arg) rated this file on 2012-07-30, 03:50:37
#253 - Carlos (Arg) commented this file on 2012-07-30, 03:48:07
I'm user of xmplay from several years. From 2005. I can say XMPLAY Is the best of all than the most better!!. (Excuse my english please). Beatifull, you can run it in a 5.8 flexdisk if you want!! JA JA!!
#252 - Moni und Andy rated this file on 2012-07-20, 20:48:40
Best player, my fav player, foreverytime!
#251 - JD rated this file on 2012-07-18, 15:27:42
Back, by Public Demand!
#250 - Stew rated this file on 2012-07-16, 21:53:08
After disabling bubbles they still appear on the VIS, and lag alot during full screen also slow down pc. Also its not possible to enable vis on all available monitors :(
also it could display MP3 image as a mouse tooltip/ tag info/ playlist/ or near the lapsing time in main window :)
#249 - rnpmesquita commented this file on 2012-07-16, 11:45:18
muito bom
#248 - luis commented this file on 2012-07-13, 18:26:01
muy bueno
#247 - Andy rated this file on 2012-07-11, 14:15:47
Best player everytime!
#246 - henri commented this file on 2012-07-09, 02:08:18
my fav player, for years
thank you!
#245 - lalit khatri commented this file on 2012-07-02, 09:50:45
this is good plyaer
#244 - David rated this file on 2012-06-29, 09:41:30
Still on my computer after 5 years and I am a software slut!
#243 - mark commented this file on 2012-06-28, 18:51:08
supid player
#242 - Adilson rated this file on 2012-06-22, 02:41:54
Highest rate!
#241 - Adilson commented this file on 2012-06-22, 02:40:42
Very good! The best media player!
Brazilian: Eu uso este player a alguns anos. É excelente e ainda tem a versão portátil. É leve e muito customizável. Compatível também com vários formatos.
Thank you very much!
#240 - enovique commented this file on 2012-06-15, 19:09:53
I love the player has xmplayer because of its perfect thank you again to the developer of xmplayer
#239 - zont rated this file on 2012-06-15, 18:22:19
i love it, guys!!! )))
#238 - The unnamed rated this file on 2012-06-15, 04:19:15
Now I can modify sound files for my videogames!!!
#237 - Pedro rated this file on 2012-06-13, 19:23:38
#236 - Fernando Lucas rated this file on 2012-06-06, 14:54:19
Portugues: Uso esse player desde o lançamento a muitos anos, excelente player muito leve uma dica é usar skins que facilitem o uso do equalizador como por exemplo o Euphoria.
#235 - Rodrigo rated this file on 2012-06-04, 22:48:18
Very good even excellent music player... Nice work...
#234 - yoy commented this file on 2012-06-04, 03:55:43
#233 - rated this file on 2012-06-03, 12:10:09
El mejor reproductor que he usado, este reproductor es muy bueno, it's very very good, fantastic !!!, cumple con todas las cosas que quiero , muy bueno ... les recomiendo a todos ...
#232 - Michael rated this file on 2012-05-26, 16:37:00
Wirklich toll der Player. Danke dafür. Ganz besonders toll finde ich als Musiker vor allem dass man die Soundfontbanken wechseln kann. Super---!!!! Und der ganze Zubehör hier nochmals super.
#231 - Walter commented this file on 2012-05-24, 04:10:19
#230 - bouchfar commented this file on 2012-05-17, 23:31:36
#229 - SS Group rated this file on 2012-05-12, 02:07:02
best player no any
#228 - mr_jery commented this file on 2012-05-10, 19:54:16
Jest - nie zauwarzyłem !!
#227 - mr_jery commented this file on 2012-05-10, 19:50:03
Brak polskiego języka !!
#226 - FX rated this file on 2012-05-07, 09:13:22
Simple, Efficient, no Invasive, no need more :-)
#225 - shing commented this file on 2012-05-03, 18:56:49
#224 - Taodao rated this file on 2012-05-01, 08:23:41
The best music player for win!
#223 - Ponnaya rated this file on 2012-04-29, 18:41:02
I Love It - Rajitha Prince Of Ponnayas
#222 - noitka rated this file on 2012-04-29, 13:11:20
My favourite player.. Thx :)
#221 - Hemerson commented this file on 2012-04-27, 11:17:32
Com certeza o melhor player! Fantástico!
#220 - faberio rated this file on 2012-04-25, 19:13:40
sure the best and non invasive player on the web ... so good work gay!
#219 - Sergio rated this file on 2012-04-24, 17:15:57
Ottimo bravi
#218 - florencio commented this file on 2012-04-17, 00:24:44
voy a usar este reproductor espero me sirva. gracias
#217 - t.a commented this file on 2012-04-16, 05:29:16
#216 - Varghese rated this file on 2012-04-14, 03:47:58
Superb, Awsome ... very low resource usage player ever seen.
#215 - Paul rated this file on 2012-04-14, 00:36:38
Excellent excellent player,very fast, almost non existent hardware use while in use
#214 - Daniel rated this file on 2012-04-09, 12:25:03
The best player ever made!!!
#213 - Dimage rated this file on 2012-04-06, 19:06:39
Sorry. I have understood. It is simply super!!!!
#212 - Dimage rated this file on 2012-04-03, 21:13:11
Radio capture? Equalizer 30 Gz and 20 kGz? It would be desirable.
#211 - andriu rated this file on 2012-04-02, 10:22:38
Excellent player, I have used it for years, when a Linux version?
Good job!!
#210 - guberart rated this file on 2012-03-19, 01:22:17
thanks, great music player
#209 - Popeye commented this file on 2012-03-18, 13:40:10
weird...Agnitum Outpost anti-spyware says xmplay.exe is a suspicious file X-|
maybe a md5 digest on download page would be good to be sure its the same zip file
#208 - nbnb commented this file on 2012-03-16, 05:28:55
#207 - daniel rated this file on 2012-03-14, 19:07:13
la version anterior era super liviana y de muy buena calidad muy buen programa
#206 - Adriano rated this file on 2012-03-10, 16:06:58
The efforts of all people involved with this software (coding, plugins, skins, etc.) resulted in a light, customizable, well supported, amazing player.
Thanks to all people that worked (and are working) to keep this project alive!
#205 - Sylvao rated this file on 2012-03-05, 19:23:04
Still the best player, forever
#204 - dustin rated this file on 2012-03-05, 05:01:16
#203 - fareborz commented this file on 2012-02-29, 21:45:45
Im lovw the mp3
#202 - PatchMax rated this file on 2012-02-28, 16:49:07
Aguante XMPLAY!!!
#201 - hd1991 rated this file on 2012-02-27, 01:56:45
me encanta!. Es un reproductor liviano y muy comodo. ¡El mejor con estas carcterísticas!
#200 - orez commented this file on 2012-02-24, 20:02:54
Is a Mac version or a linux version available?
#199 - Carlos Gato303 commented this file on 2012-02-17, 22:22:24
Where can I download a version for Linux Xubuntu? I hear is also available for Linux
#198 - lucho commented this file on 2012-02-16, 19:47:28
cava bien
#197 - Mike G rated this file on 2012-02-10, 00:20:34
Great player. Playing all my Amiga mods on my Vista 64 Quad core PC, no problem.
Many thanks.
#196 - Cristian Cassino rated this file on 2012-02-06, 19:51:32
Unos de los mejores reproductores, liviano, amigable, portable y con skins raros, que mas se puede pedir? =)
#195 - luis rated this file on 2012-02-05, 13:20:56
lo conozco del año 2004 ma parecio fantastivo nunca dejé de usarlo. pesa pco y funciona de maravillas
#194 - Alejandro Rivadeneira rated this file on 2012-02-05, 12:05:52
Buenisima pieza de software !! 7/7
Excelente player !!
#193 - Luca commented this file on 2012-02-04, 19:37:56
This software is just AMAZING. I have been using it for years. Thank you.
#192 - Joao Mendes rated this file on 2012-01-27, 16:11:32
Thank's for this nice piece of software. Multi instance is very cool for creating several types of ambient.
#191 - ctrix commented this file on 2012-01-24, 09:08:28
Loaded to my new netbook - once again - this player dominates all though it's fast load time and simplicity! And it plays all my tunes back correctly :-P
#190 - ronnie dyson commented this file on 2012-01-20, 04:50:22
siempre me gusto el programa muy practico
#189 - tormented commented this file on 2012-01-19, 23:30:24
i need new version the xmplay
#188 - Marcilio Sanchez rated this file on 2012-01-18, 20:36:34
Ótimo programa para ouvir musicas!
#187 - Pablo rated this file on 2012-01-17, 02:37:21
Hace anios que lo uso, ESPECTACULAR
#186 - franco loco26b rated this file on 2012-01-13, 22:58:00
que buen reproductor me funciono al 100 ligero y practico de lujo
#185 - djamel1222 rated this file on 2012-01-12, 09:37:35
thx for program xmplay
#184 - pepe rated this file on 2012-01-07, 16:10:18
Exelente programa de audio
#183 - bill-mbs commented this file on 2012-01-07, 15:52:38
(GRT ) greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
#182 - barbatron commented this file on 2012-01-05, 19:15:47
I only consider this player worthy of playing my old PM trax. Simple as that.
#181 - james commented this file on 2012-01-05, 01:34:59
this is cool
#180 - Mauricio commented this file on 2012-01-04, 12:09:49
The best!
#179 - old music fan rated this file on 2012-01-03, 02:47:10
Programming the way it should be done: small, excellent, tight. Nice work and thanks for sharing it.
#178 - BM rated this file on 2012-01-02, 20:48:58
Great little player. mod,sid,midi,mp3 sound great..
#177 - yazid commented this file on 2011-12-29, 00:49:54
merci pour xm
#176 - commented this file on 2011-12-28, 22:00:39
Good for playing the old .xm and .s3m stuff!
#175 - cristian commented this file on 2011-12-20, 15:45:56
the best mod player of the word i like this program very mutch!
#174 - Ventriu rated this file on 2011-12-18, 20:50:41
One word for this Mp3 player... "WOW". i mean... it's not even 1 Mb, well in my ears, the sounds're just the same as those produced by a '38Mb Mp3 Player'
#173 - ton commented this file on 2011-12-17, 12:25:44
very nice program and freeware mp3 player
thank you
would like it if it starts in a default Map
#172 - Kevin ba. commented this file on 2011-12-11, 21:26:02
Excelent player, tiny but perfect
#171 - Elias gasparini - Brazil rated this file on 2011-12-11, 00:00:29
It's a surprising small treasure.
It's my opinion since I knew it many years ago...
#170 - Andrei M rated this file on 2011-12-07, 09:55:41
My only one player since I tried to use something different than winamp (it's happened 4 years ago :)
#169 - nari commented this file on 2011-12-06, 05:54:43
#168 - Carlos commented this file on 2011-12-04, 17:20:01
muy reuna
#167 - Irreligious rated this file on 2011-12-03, 19:16:06
This is the best player ever. Nice collection of plug-ins too. I'm re-downloading this right now.
#166 - h3nk rated this file on 2011-12-02, 10:15:39
best player on earth!
#165 - i_Dunn0 rated this file on 2011-11-28, 19:59:00
I love u, un4seen devs O.O
#164 - Luciano rated this file on 2011-11-28, 13:31:55
Since years I use it. The perfect player is XMPlay!
#163 - kaled commented this file on 2011-11-27, 19:18:17
#162 - Kalan rated this file on 2011-11-20, 15:31:08
Nice player! Plays tracker music better then winamp.
#161 - Phil rated this file on 2011-11-18, 23:55:15
Got it on my Cellphone(Android OS) and now getting it on pc works really good for my phone continu like that its a really nice software you got here i will defenetly recommend it to anyone ! =)
#160 - Danny rated this file on 2011-11-13, 11:01:04
It's superb!
All functions you need, and powerful, in only half a megabyte!
#159 - percy commented this file on 2011-11-11, 14:50:22
tiene bunas recomendaciones
#158 - bafis commented this file on 2011-11-11, 14:32:07
lo sto provando
#157 - Nick rated this file on 2011-11-02, 08:52:50
Excellent! Thanks for such a good program
#156 - Mauricio commented this file on 2011-10-26, 09:53:03
Excelente programa, me encanta!! no dejo de seguirlo! Simple, pequeño,completo potente! Muchas gracias!
#155 - konok commented this file on 2011-10-21, 18:43:18
#154 - Bd commented this file on 2011-10-17, 14:03:39
Simple, sharp, nice... The IT of the futur is in software like XMPlay
#153 - Eduardo commented this file on 2011-10-12, 21:34:57
amazing player, only create installer
#152 - Patrik rated this file on 2011-10-08, 20:44:03
Extreamly fast when starting
#151 - Ky rated this file on 2011-10-07, 12:17:05
Great program
#150 - oscar commented this file on 2011-10-07, 11:35:38
is very godd
#149 - .Alexandre.Barbosa.Carvalho rated this file on 2011-10-03, 16:31:30
#148 - kottan rated this file on 2011-10-02, 01:50:55
It's absolutely great!
#147 - Ismael commented this file on 2011-09-29, 13:10:00
...and mine!!!
#146 - Alexey Ganshen rated this file on 2011-09-29, 01:05:17
Thank you very much! XMPlay is my favourite player!
#145 - David commented this file on 2011-09-27, 02:12:01
ddyment:"Here's a small feature request for the next update: it would be nice to have an option to lock the position of the player on the screen; I'm forever "knocking" it out of position when I click on ithe panel for some feature."
that's already been implemented in the beta version wich is called the "Stuff Version"
right click and select "Lock Position"
#144 - ddyment rated this file on 2011-09-25, 16:32:17
My longtime favourite audio player!
Here's a small feature request for the next update: it would be nice to have an option to lock the position of the player on the screen; I'm forever "knocking" it out of position when I click on ithe panel for some feature.
#143 - kleber commented this file on 2011-09-24, 13:52:46
Não vi outro melhor, muito leve. De mais
#142 - Jake rated this file on 2011-09-24, 04:24:41
THE best audio software ever
#141 - Gianluca rated this file on 2011-09-20, 07:10:33
The best player I have used on my opinion. I use it since 2003. Thanks
#140 - Aniket rated this file on 2011-08-31, 06:03:51
A very good lightweight music player with impressive features
#139 - cruse moon rated this file on 2011-08-29, 12:09:21
i used xmplay during 3~ 4 years.. i think best player. ^^b
#138 - gw commented this file on 2011-08-26, 16:50:26
Got this site from FileForum after uninstalling Media Monkey (someone mentioned XMPlay in the M/Monkey forum)
Won't rate it at the moment as I've not yet tried it.
#137 - Dj_Clima commented this file on 2011-08-22, 17:24:15
Amazing! player. :])
#136 - xm Crazy rated this file on 2011-08-20, 15:14:08
the best player
#135 - Captainiza rated this file on 2011-08-17, 00:13:33
I LOVE IT! This takes me to the next level in music composing!
#134 - nextgen commented this file on 2011-08-13, 16:01:10
Winamp dsp plugins settings is still can't be saved & autoloaded.
This is very big frustration for me. ((
Developers PLEASE do autoloaded presets for vst plugins, and internal support
for 32bit vst!
PLEASE-PLEASE-PLEASE!!! It can be SO great function!!!
#133 - madman commented this file on 2011-08-05, 19:35:36
this is the best!!! it can take so many file types and really great sound!!! and if u need more stuffs its just download it from the site its fucking best !!!
#132 - majkel commented this file on 2011-08-05, 15:38:18
It's incredible that this program consumes less than 10MB of RAM with skin and every filter possible turned on. When it is in tray it consumes less then 2 MB! Is it written in assembler ? ;-)
#131 - Phantom-Zone rated this file on 2011-07-29, 17:59:26
"The best sound on the best player"
#130 - Viktor rated this file on 2011-07-29, 15:09:01
It's very good
#129 - Song rated this file on 2011-07-27, 06:02:37
So Cool~~~!
#128 - Servicios Informaticos Arkangel commented this file on 2011-07-25, 15:53:50
Thansks really cool :D :O :P
#127 - DYQTA rated this file on 2011-07-24, 04:59:51
Thansks for all the hard work..
#126 - Me commented this file on 2011-07-22, 04:54:13
You come high recommended, at least I have to try this.
#125 - Anone. commented this file on 2011-07-21, 11:20:22
Works For Windows 98 SE :D
#124 - ajay commented this file on 2011-07-21, 10:50:17
really cool nd rockingggggggggggggggg
#123 - Cypress commented this file on 2011-07-20, 16:02:26
@Peter you need the FLAC Plugin that's in this support site:
About the high bitrate you could try a different output eg WASAPI:
for future questions, comments about XMPlay you should ALWAYS use the official forum:
#122 - Peter rated this file on 2011-07-20, 10:15:08
Great player, but need Flac support and higher bitrate.
Is it possible to fix??
#121 - albedo commented this file on 2011-07-19, 09:28:17
Simply the highest quality MOD file player that’s available. Listening to my favorite Unreal, UT and Deus Ex songs with XMPlay is a whole new experience.
#120 - Jean rated this file on 2011-07-19, 05:41:11
This is the best player to use. You don't need to install, it plays all types of music, it records.. Great job.
#119 - RICARDO commented this file on 2011-07-18, 02:28:33
#118 - iChuot rated this file on 2011-07-15, 18:12:32
I use xmplay since 2007. it is small and use less memory. Thank you!
... feedback from Vietnam
#117 - Roberto Rios rated this file on 2011-07-13, 20:17:01
Excelente Player muy ligero y poderoso
#116 - seb commented this file on 2011-07-12, 23:16:06
gracias por la dscarga
#115 - Al Boz rated this file on 2011-07-06, 04:29:08
Thansks for all the hard work..
#114 - A Proud User rated this file on 2011-07-05, 06:18:39
I use it since a couple of years, it is for me the Best of all! Thanks a lot ^^!
#113 - Wanted Feature - Crop in Playlist rated this file on 2011-07-04, 17:53:46
Would be nice to have a crop feature:
=> selecting some songs in the playlist and removing all other ones.
But alltogether nice fast and ressource sparing player.
Thumbs up!
#112 - Cypress commented this file on 2011-07-01, 18:38:49
"Somebody can tell me how can set sample rate at 192000? Why maximum only is 96000?"
@Stanislaw i don't know about such high sample rates but any questions/comments/etc regarding XMPlay should be asked at the xmplay forum :
Saludos desde Bolivia ;)
#111 - johan commented this file on 2011-06-30, 18:39:41
#110 - rudzion rated this file on 2011-06-29, 13:17:18
Very good player. Perfectly works with dsp plugin Sound Solution. I recommend it to any1! :-)
#109 - Stanislaw commented this file on 2011-06-29, 10:10:21
Somebody can tell me how can set sample rate at 192000? Why maximum only is 96000?
#108 - xakep rated this file on 2011-06-28, 16:28:51
уже давно заменил Винаммп - БРАВО кодерам!)
#107 - edson commented this file on 2011-06-24, 20:08:37
#106 - LIkeeeee rated this file on 2011-06-24, 15:39:08
I likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
#105 - Vassia rated this file on 2011-06-23, 17:19:45
Fantastic player! So light, and fast. Works like a charm on my antidiluvian laptop.
#104 - Sameera rated this file on 2011-06-17, 17:29:52
Greatest MP3 Player I ever had. It is doing its job perfectly. Thanks for all the developers.
#103 - Mauricio rated this file on 2011-06-12, 08:28:25
GREAT!!! Excelent player just leave without a breath!!
#102 - Spuugel Spaagel rated this file on 2011-06-11, 18:18:51
Spurdo Spärde x---D
#101 - Brouette rated this file on 2011-06-10, 06:44:33
Absolutely the bes
#100 - Drakyma|Fernando rated this file on 2011-06-09, 21:16:05
Sinceramente, o melhor player que ja vi e usei até hoje, acredito ter testado basicamente todos os outros, mas o XMPlay é o melhor! Belo trabalho e que continue assim! Five stars!
#99 - Brown rated this file on 2011-06-05, 19:12:16
bastante bueno!!
#98 - Steffmeister rated this file on 2011-06-05, 13:19:52
Wow this app is great! It's small, expandable/skinable, extremely resource friendly, it can load winamp plugins providing all my needs for Atari SAP support and some others. The visualisations are really cool, and I got some neat skin I found on the site. I just uninstalled winamp hehe. Excellent piece of work this player, many thanks for providing this perfect player, I'm amazed by it's leetness.
#97 - Vegethalia rated this file on 2011-06-01, 08:36:15
I have been using the good-old @ModPlug@ to play my beloved colection of mods&xm&s3m, and recently i discovered this great player.
Thank you a lot for your work! Not only is functional, but also beautiful! with skins! with visualizations! with encoders!
Thx you very much!!!
#96 - Patricio Campos C. rated this file on 2011-05-29, 02:24:22
Excelente reproductor. Muchas gracias.
#95 - Wolfmaniac rated this file on 2011-05-28, 08:15:48
The best XM player !
#94 - prospector_1 rated this file on 2011-05-22, 21:27:50
Sigan asi es el mejor reproductor que existe
#93 - kn59 commented this file on 2011-05-15, 14:15:30
#92 - Manuel rated this file on 2011-05-15, 01:41:51
Really XMPlay is the best player! I love it! Is very fast and powerful. Support a lot winamp plugins!
#91 - Alvaro Manjarrez rated this file on 2011-05-14, 11:59:52
I love it, XmPlay is the best
#90 - Alvaro Manjarrez commented this file on 2011-05-14, 11:59:24
I love it, XmPlay is the best
#89 - nz commented this file on 2011-05-12, 17:55:22
it looks so beautiful
#88 - RR rated this file on 2011-05-12, 11:54:00
Love it
#87 - sebastian rated this file on 2011-05-10, 01:36:19
simply but powerful... thats all!
#86 - antonio commented this file on 2011-05-08, 20:23:56
#85 - boris rated this file on 2011-05-07, 12:09:28
really the best,i keep on listening and listening....
#84 - Frank rated this file on 2011-05-07, 08:56:47
Best Player of the World !!
#83 - juan doe rated this file on 2011-05-02, 12:52:16
es lo más !!! thanks you
#82 - jodiet rated this file on 2011-05-02, 00:48:50
someone recommended this to me ...
#81 - Reelman rated this file on 2011-05-01, 07:38:11
#80 - Charlie rated this file on 2011-04-30, 21:53:11
#79 - Autlx rated this file on 2011-04-29, 06:09:17
XMPlay, it "truly" whips the llama's ass!
#78 - not telling rated this file on 2011-04-28, 20:17:37
This app is perfect
#77 - noname commented this file on 2011-04-27, 09:26:27
I'm using and it seems that the repeat (1) has a bug. It stops repeating that song after a while. I haven't found a pattern yet, anyone with the same issue?
#76 - saniismail rated this file on 2011-04-27, 06:15:05
great to have it.....!
#75 - nitin rated this file on 2011-04-24, 13:19:37
nice player !
#74 - Eliana rated this file on 2011-04-24, 03:32:58
#73 - Cygnus commented this file on 2011-04-23, 04:47:40
Woot...out come my screamtracker tracks from 1995!
#72 - Lz rated this file on 2011-04-22, 09:34:29
#71 - rip commented this file on 2011-04-20, 22:33:57
#70 - serios rated this file on 2011-04-19, 13:17:47
#69 - Jorge Pelliza rated this file on 2011-04-18, 12:18:43
Beautiful and compact audio player. Congratulations!
#68 - Kevin commented this file on 2011-04-18, 09:29:34
I heard that Xmplay is the best Mp3 player so far. I would like to try it now !! :D
#67 - Alvaro rated this file on 2011-04-16, 19:27:14
Xmplay is the best, I like hehehe,
#66 - wojciech rated this file on 2011-04-13, 23:32:41
what about android version? :)))
#65 - Vive feliz commented this file on 2011-04-13, 21:43:48
mmmm, nunca e usado este reproductor, tiene buena pinta, voy a ver que tal, tambien les recomiendo el evil player.
#64 - goffer commented this file on 2011-04-13, 17:51:03
rly better then winamp
Great job!
#63 - kefir rated this file on 2011-04-13, 13:54:15
The best
#62 - J L Kehoe rated this file on 2011-04-13, 13:24:43
#61 - Ivan rated this file on 2011-04-10, 16:43:14
congratulations, great job, it's a wonder player, is small and with great performance.
continue so
#60 - rated this file on 2011-04-10, 14:51:20
are you guys going to make a version for iphone or blackberry?
#59 - Alex - RJ commented this file on 2011-04-09, 22:32:34
Comecei usando esse programa quando eu tinha um Windows 98, para poupar memória do meu pc.Gostei tanto dele que não consigo deixa-lo. É um ÓTIMO programa. Parabéns aos criadores =D
#58 - tommaso rated this file on 2011-04-09, 21:02:43
#57 - W0rm rated this file on 2011-04-08, 01:10:14
Love Xmplay 4ever. Excellent job!
#56 - vander commented this file on 2011-04-07, 16:22:17
add linguage pack, portuguese,spain,and others, thanks
#55 - DKato rated this file on 2011-04-06, 13:41:34
thanks for the great improvements. since the times of Sonique I hadn't such a good, flexible, skiny, light music player. years using it portable with no issues at all. keep up the good job!
#54 - bulb-xon commented this file on 2011-04-04, 22:47:11
the best
#53 - Jerek rated this file on 2011-04-03, 22:10:06
Al fin gente!!!! amo este reproductor y hacía rato que no lo utilizaba por estar desactualizado. Gracias.
#52 - Carlos rated this file on 2011-04-03, 21:25:23
Excelente como siempre! Hace varios años que es mi repodructor preferido, muy simple y sencillo y altamente y muy buen reporductor. Slds.
#51 - Diego rated this file on 2011-04-02, 11:07:49
Great Player
#50 - Thomas rated this file on 2011-04-01, 09:02:37
Since I discovered it years ago, I never use another MP3 player. Elegant, excellent, reliable, never ever failed. I use it non-stop with straming Classical music on my main computer. One of the finest pieces of software ever written.
#49 - Nazzal rated this file on 2011-04-01, 08:00:40
Small, uses little memory and portable.
I tried it a year ago and since then I never used anything else, I also install it on all computers that I fix, no one ever complained.
#48 - cdwu58 rated this file on 2011-04-01, 00:16:15
taiwan taipei
#47 - Tadej rated this file on 2011-03-31, 23:26:39
As always, I am completely content with it; XMPlay is a great software, and my favorite music and Internet streams player! Just please keep it "portable" (e.g. also .zip version available withouth an installer). Regards, Tadej from Slovenia
#46 - Chris commented this file on 2011-03-28, 00:24:01
File Many List Error Debug Plase Window Viewing
Error Debug Plase. Many File List Error.
#45 - Snac rated this file on 2011-03-25, 00:33:35
Been using XMPLay for years now. 3.6 is great, thank you!
#44 - POP UP commented this file on 2011-03-24, 03:14:12
It's the Best We've tried them all...
#43 - xmplayer commented this file on 2011-03-23, 17:57:47
#42 - novicenotes-net rated this file on 2011-03-23, 17:46:19
@DISPLAY_1280_&_ABOVE re: "tiny buttons".
There may be HELP. The SOLUTION may lie in an alternate "Skin" which is more accomodating to you. XmPlay is MOST EASY to "skin"-- a matter of [1]find one, [2]download, [3]copy-to-XmPlay dir, [4]Execute XmPlay, and select new skin.
SKINS are available, here at XmPlay site. The list is plentiful, and the Web Application providing the list is quite intuitive: Users may sort via "newest", "most popular", etc., such that FINDING what you need is, at least, as easy as possible. Please, give it a go: I hope you find something to improve accessibility of XmPlay, for your unique Display environment. Best wishes.
( P.S. I hightly recommend the User-centric design of the "Sterling" series, from "Sterling Army Green", to "Sterling XP". An extraordinary achievement of Frank Lloyd Wright-esque "form - following - function". However, the Skin repo is vast. Many are quite beautiful, while few, if any, are altogether "bad". Indeed, I am available for diplomatic, as well as ambassador functions. [tee-hee-hee]. :wink: )
#41 - Rida Rahman rated this file on 2011-03-23, 01:42:35
This is the best player,... Pemutar media audio yang sangat baik, simpel dan sangat mudah digunakan.
#40 - Best commented this file on 2011-03-20, 05:36:40
'Cause I thought the music very well doemnida
#39 - 최고고 rated this file on 2011-03-20, 05:31:33
음악도 제생이 아주 잘 됨니다.
#38 - Evan from germany rated this file on 2011-03-19, 21:07:27
but we need a AVRCP plugin for the A2DP bluetooth sound.
#37 - F. Morgan - morganfj rated this file on 2011-03-19, 16:41:51
This is the best player.. no strings attached. want try to take over your computer. playeeverything... BEST OF ALL RABBIT HOLE VISUALIZATion...same as old Sonic... The best.
#36 - Santiago rated this file on 2011-03-18, 04:11:17
The best player far from the rest... is not a fan comment, old PC user comment
#35 - Wolfmaniac rated this file on 2011-03-12, 12:22:37
The best player for FT2 files (*.XM)... Realy !
#34 - Droid1595 commented this file on 2011-03-12, 05:05:11
#33 - roquer rated this file on 2011-03-11, 15:51:35
Thanks for the program, it uses low computer resources. A bigger interface is a plus.
#32 - Joe commented this file on 2011-03-11, 05:05:00
Facing a weird problem, I have an album that can't be played by Xmplay! Its mp3 but whenever I drag and drop into xmplay's list it doesn't appear, when I created playlist and drop into it, all the songs are cross out. Yet I can play with anything elser other than xmplay!
#31 - Hans rated this file on 2011-03-10, 10:25:04
I recently found my mod-music colllection from the 90ies and it is great that there is still a player that can handle them. Good Work !
#30 - XP0027 rated this file on 2011-03-10, 08:11:02
I still wonda ... Y haven't ya won da nobel prize?? dis is the best one of all the whores on da net!!! helll!! get it to rrrrrroccckkk !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#29 - casmiro commented this file on 2011-03-08, 02:35:59
sangat bagus dan menarik sekali, dan terbaik........
#28 - Hexxor rated this file on 2011-03-06, 23:06:16
I wish there could be a way to scale up all the graphics of the interface. I have a 1920x1080 screen and all buttons and text are so small. Besides from that there is nothing else that beats XMplay, :)
#27 - Luis commented this file on 2011-03-06, 22:06:58
Very clean, custom global shortcuts are GREAT!!
#26 - taojones rated this file on 2011-03-06, 05:32:54
the best there is...thanks
#25 - Zach rated this file on 2011-03-03, 17:29:03
Thank you so much for XMPlay. I've been using it for more years than I can remember and use it as my primary audio player always. Thank you for keeping it freeware and open and have a wonderful year!
#24 - Kyogokudo rated this file on 2011-03-03, 07:14:54
downloading to play certain .mo3 song xD
#23 - Lance01011 commented this file on 2011-02-27, 22:55:19
thanks you for this program. >)
#22 - komink rated this file on 2011-02-22, 02:45:39
XMplay is great. XMPlay with winamp plugin = Superb!!!!
#21 - sonia commented this file on 2011-02-21, 18:56:56
I like it very much.
#20 - Gustavo Sanchez rated this file on 2011-02-20, 18:29:29
The best audio player for me, period. Thanks so much to Ian Luck, for making this wonderful freeware. Besides it is portable, no worry about OS upgrade or system crash, it is always on. Love it,totally recommended. I was using Spider Player Pro, a shareware, but XMPlay beats it.
#19 - maximdes0ft rated this file on 2011-02-20, 09:36:08
love it. great job!
#18 - xavierve rated this file on 2011-02-19, 15:46:38
enjoying music meanwhile computer works. Great quality Low resources y best friendly !! Thanks !!!
#17 - John rated this file on 2011-02-19, 07:28:41
Well done, very informative and useful, I wish I had more tracks to play on this player, I downloaded it for only one track in .mo3. If I could convert it for other players then I might not have heard of this player.
#16 - Fiqhi commented this file on 2011-02-17, 10:25:54
yes yes yes,...
#15 - Lucas rated this file on 2011-02-10, 22:18:35
Great work as always.
I think you should add just the option "Queue in XMPlay" as in Winamp!!
#14 - ALF rated this file on 2011-02-08, 22:41:01
Greatest Player ever...
I only wish an installer version of this software,
is it possible?
#13 - Chinese Sausage rated this file on 2011-02-08, 13:14:36
I was checking the XMPlay archive, and I find it fascinating that XMPlay has managed to increase just a little bit in size over the years, while being a now a much improved full-featured and complete high quality audio player.
#12 - sergio tavarez rated this file on 2011-02-06, 14:34:05
no me canso de usar este programa porque cumple lo prometido es de lo mejor cada vez que lo bajo es por una nueva version o porque simplemente borre el programa o actualice mi SO. por eso no me preocupo en tenerlo conmigo porque se que esta en un buen servidor donde puedo bajarlo las veces que yo quiera, de lo mejor que hay para escuchar musica. lo recomiendo
#11 - Rivi commented this file on 2011-02-06, 13:58:48
un reproducctor wue no consume recursos , excelente , lo uso desde versiones anteriores , muy bueno.
#10 - Luis commented this file on 2011-02-06, 13:57:06
Me encanta este reproducctor y lo uso siempre
#9 - sh Vox rated this file on 2011-02-05, 19:41:20
#8 - Chris rated this file on 2011-01-29, 11:05:52
Great stuff... Plays my WAVs the way they are, just like Winamp did long ago and now nolonger does.
Thanks for this great tool! :-)
#7 - sudione commented this file on 2011-01-28, 17:47:15
How to change time "in minus" in new version XMPlay (3.6)?
<i>Comment from Keltic Danor: You can change the time to "time remaining" by left clicking the time display.</i>
#6 - zenek rated this file on 2011-01-28, 12:46:37
dla mnie
#5 - 699taha rated this file on 2011-01-27, 13:06:31
nice keep the small size up!!!
#4 - Alex rated this file on 2011-01-26, 23:54:18
no funciona
#3 - ariel galean rated this file on 2011-01-26, 12:19:59
Este programa es lo mejor que hay en multimedia. Lo mejor es que no consume recursos de mi pc. Felicitaciones!!!
#2 - Cypress rated this file on 2011-01-25, 21:43:18
It's getting EVEN better :), Thanks Ian!
#1 - Allan Persad rated this file on 2011-01-25, 15:40:59
(Allan Persad, Programmer. Trinidad and Tobago)