Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Extra ToolsSkins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Extra ToolsPlease use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#15 - agelos commented this file on 2013-10-04, 12:55:42
very good
#14 - gemcollectr rated this file on 2012-02-29, 16:02:45
I just can support oioioi's comment:
Have this one right from the day I began to use XMPlay, don't know why; normally, I'm not a big Apple-Fan or something, but this one is just awesome!
Clear layout with all functions right in front of you and very easy controls!
Great work!!!!
#13 - Serials commented this file on 2011-12-10, 17:48:12
#12 - oioioi rated this file on 2011-09-27, 22:15:28
Great skin, I sticked to this one for a long time already, because...
It's easy, nice and has got a clear layout.
#11 - maganz rated this file on 2011-06-20, 15:37:37
Scaled to 120% this skin would be unbeatable.
#10 - OLe rated this file on 2011-04-17, 03:37:15
So Good, So Cools
#9 - Snow rated this file on 2011-03-19, 22:37:54
#8 - nonext rated this file on 2010-12-26, 12:45:12
skin is too small unless you are on a antique vid card at 600x800
and oh too many colors honestly the idea is good but yipes it's a Crayola nightmare
#7 - Solong rated this file on 2010-05-31, 22:22:28
I tried it. For a minute. Just couldn't stand a mobile skin on a non-mobile device.
#6 - upsidedown rated this file on 2010-05-29, 19:54:03
great, but not great (large) enough.
i would like the original iphone size...
see:#2 jose juan
#5 - SonicA rated this file on 2010-05-24, 21:18:24
Yup this is my favourite - looks great nicely laid out!
#4 - DaroSoft rated this file on 2010-04-07, 22:32:41
Muuy buen Skiiin. Me encanta Lo uso Siempre
#3 - worm rated this file on 2010-03-06, 23:37:01
Thanks! Five stars.
#2 - jose juan commented this file on 2010-02-22, 02:56:05
This is really great, but can i change the size of the skin window?
bigger size please ( little bit )
#1 - GeekPodder rated this file on 2010-02-06, 22:48:01
Wow, I love it! So colorfull. Thank you Muxson!