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Extra Tools
by Hazy
posted on 2008-07-20

Includes two variations: Glass and Plastic.
Note: this skin requires XMPlay features which are currently only available in the <a href="http://www.un4seen.com/stuff/xmplay.exe">stuff version</a>.

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#4 - Hazy commented this file on 2009-02-26, 22:10:03
Amit you're correct, it's supposed to be light reflecting off the glass. I was having trouble getting it to look right and I never quite got around to finishing it properly so it looks pretty crappy. Both of these skins still needed work but I was never going to get around to finishing them off so I just released them as they are. Considering this was the first skin I've ever created I don't think I did too bad.

Shamka I'm sorry you don't like the colours. My intention was to include different colour options but I never got around to that either.

#3 - amit commented this file on 2008-10-01, 08:36:03
Raina , are you talking about the white lines and dots on the edges of the buttons? I think they are the emulated sparkle of the glass. Maybe Hazy overdid it? :)

#2 - shamka rated this file 3 stars on 2008-07-22, 20:05:13
nice skin, ugly colors

#1 - raina rated this file 3 stars on 2008-07-21, 14:48:45
Not necessarily my favorite, but not bad. But what's with the white lines and dots in the "glassy" version? I made sure I have the latest /stuff/ but it looks like graphical glitches, like in the screenshot.