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WMP11Skin 1.2
by Martin Pokorný
posted on 2007-03-27

A Windows Media Player 11 look-a-like skin. Includes a version with black background.

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Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.


#49 - Hamid rated this file 5 stars on 2022-08-14, 20:32:54
The best dark skin I've seen in library!

#48 - acero commented this file on 2012-10-31, 05:54:56
gracias por este skin y al equipo por este gran reproductor.

#47 - Adriano rated this file 5 stars on 2012-03-10, 15:51:06
I'm using (and recommending) this skin for a long time. Beautiful, simple and works flawlessly.
Many thanks to Martin Pokorný for this awesome skin.
Děkuji vám!

#46 - Alex rated this file 5 stars on 2011-04-18, 16:39:16
Excelente skin. Limpo, prático, além de ser muito bonito!!!
Parabéns aos seus criadores.
God bless yours!!!

#45 - Pathe3 rated this file 5 stars on 2011-03-25, 07:08:10
Very clean and one of the best skins. The screenshot doesn't do it justice.

#44 - worm rated this file 5 stars on 2010-03-06, 23:38:47
Very nice. Beaulfiful skin.

#43 - MartinPokorny commented this file on 2008-10-14, 16:51:04
You can download actual version from here:


#42 - nico rated this file 5 stars on 2008-07-16, 14:12:56

#41 - max rated this file 5 stars on 2008-06-19, 15:17:44
One of my favourite. It looks great and works perfectly. 5 stars.

#40 - Roger rated this file 5 stars on 2008-06-14, 21:50:15
PERFECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

#39 - tritenan rated this file 5 stars on 2008-04-29, 03:12:19
5 start. truly

#38 - Trixipho commented this file on 2008-04-29, 03:11:57
Good skin. Thanks's

#37 - POP rated this file 5 stars on 2008-02-13, 09:41:46

#36 - Max rated this file 5 stars on 2008-02-08, 10:19:45
Really really good!!!
A very nice skin (expecially in "olway on" mode)
My compliments to the author!

#35 - Soyabeaner rated this file 5 stars on 2008-01-10, 23:57:10
My fav of the 75 available ones on this site :). I had to edit the skinconfig.txt, though, to enlarge the font sizes.

#34 - Frantic commented this file on 2007-12-12, 03:24:51
Excellent sking, really hard to improve

#33 - Ladron3dfx rated this file 5 stars on 2007-11-27, 09:27:48
Damn good skin, very nice. =)

#32 - Yoffus rated this file 5 stars on 2007-11-14, 22:51:10
best skin ;D

#31 - Cheyenne rated this file 5 stars on 2007-10-16, 18:52:25
Very nice, clean design! Everything is super easy to find. It has two color choices for background, white or black. A real plus is that this author made the black-background choice very readable!

Too many people who make dark-background skins forget the contrast problem, leaving their skins nice looking but unusable. But the black-background choice in this skin is still very clean, readable and very usable.

#30 - tormented rated this file 3 stars on 2007-10-06, 01:12:31
updated skin wmp 11 compatible with xmplay 3.4.2

#29 - Scott commented this file on 2007-09-25, 21:29:44
you can make the background black (i assume for the main player here) if you simply download the original source, locate the black background (image), and overwrite the file from my edit.

you may also need to use the black versions .txt file, otherwise you will probably get black text on black.

try that, should do the trick!

#28 - sjc77 rated this file 4 stars on 2007-09-19, 12:59:08
Scott great job, Thanks!! but any chance of making the background black rather than white., and the two buttons on the right (Playlist/...) blueglass, well as i'm asking :)

#27 - Oliver the hun rated this file 5 stars on 2007-09-03, 21:10:11
Simple, easy to use and not that damn' small... good work!

#26 - Ken rated this file 5 stars on 2007-08-26, 01:55:36
Is the source for the original version still available? Mainly the mini mode that had the small square instead of the thin bar that is available now.

#25 - albator13 rated this file 5 stars on 2007-07-31, 19:02:30
the best skin, simply, beautiful = perfect !

#24 - Scott commented this file on 2007-07-06, 13:29:21
I have cleaned up this skin, new slide buttons, used Segoe UI (vista font) to make the font clearer, removed the ugly XMPLAY header, fixed a few bugs, a few other visual tweaks. Possibly i will fix the mini-skin if i get a good response from this!

i hope its cool for me to edit it! (you left the source available for a reason i assume)

get it here!

http://downtown.vc/index.php?page=main&id=199fa1423&name=WMP11Skin-Revision1.zip - (108kb)

and feel free to email me if you want to talk about this skin, (especially martin porkony!)

i hope you like my changes!

(just unzip the folder, and put it in your xmplay folder, and it will appear as your new skin!)

#23 - Zaru rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-24, 22:46:56
il est super ce skin, toutes les options a porté de main, et facilement utilisable.( pas trop petit ni trop grand)
Le mode mini est beaucoup mieu qu'avant( meme si il manque un peu de couleur)
Je vous le conseille vivement!! C'est le skin a avoir !
De plus avec le skin en noir cela permet de pas etre ebloui la nuit, trés pratique.
Enjoy ;)

#22 - orcus rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-23, 04:26:49
Fantastic skin.. The mini mode is horrendous compared to the full version.. The full version is great.. 5 OUT OF 5 DUDE..

#21 - Martin Pokorný commented this file on 2007-05-21, 19:38:10
There is new version of skin(1.5). This version require XMPlay 3.4

#20 - karmatros rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-20, 16:49:26
the best

#19 - tormented commented this file on 2007-05-12, 02:45:25
unprage skin for xmplay 3.4.1

#18 - Maks rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-11, 22:06:51
It`s the best plaey at all. and this skin is perfect for him)

#17 - Martin Pokorný commented this file on 2007-05-05, 21:10:23
I want to thank everybody for their comments. :) I want to create 3.4 update but i don't have time. :)

#16 - the_sagga commented this file on 2007-05-05, 02:43:18
3.4 update? =) i liked it too much

#15 - RedBaron commented this file on 2007-05-03, 14:44:22
And I forgot to mention...this is the best skin. I lke dark skins. Perhaps the open file button can be placed elsewhere....

#14 - RedBaron commented this file on 2007-05-03, 14:42:37
when placed just above taskbar, one cannot see the dropped down playlist

#13 - engraan rated this file 5 stars on 2007-04-14, 17:45:43
the mini mode has been updated after my comments, now normal and mini mode are perfect.

#12 - vk rated this file 5 stars on 2007-04-10, 11:18:18
my new faworite skin after windows classic!

#11 - Tarvin rated this file 5 stars on 2007-04-07, 11:18:20
Great skin.
5 out of 5!

#10 - PVTele rated this file 4 stars on 2007-04-06, 22:27:26
Very very pretty in full mode - extremely well-skinned library for once, too! Mini-mode next to useless, though, and different scale means you have to move it every time you switch modes. Fix this, and it'd be my all-time favourite...

#9 - Pooka rated this file 5 stars on 2007-03-31, 20:49:39
Excellent! I love this skin...

#8 - sjc rated this file 3 stars on 2007-03-29, 08:30:01
Very good thanks, but i would prefer a list of available album tracks and reverse the colours in the white info section.

#7 - Pip rated this file 3 stars on 2007-03-25, 21:58:54
The fonts are weird and the colors aren't very accurate. The panning thing is also weird. Good attempt.

#6 - NiL rated this file 5 stars on 2007-03-25, 10:51:46
Cool skin!

#5 - 30Mil rated this file 4 stars on 2007-03-21, 22:54:23
Great skin!!
A more slim version (bit wider and 25% shorter) and better mini mode would really set it off!

#4 - serdar rated this file 5 stars on 2007-03-21, 03:02:20
woooow suppeeeerrr
tahank you

#3 - DeeZeR rated this file 4 stars on 2007-03-20, 18:52:46
Very Nice! I Like It

#2 - engraan rated this file 2 stars on 2007-03-20, 15:30:34
Normal mode is very good
but mini mode is very bad

#1 - Y@nek® rated this file 5 stars on 2007-03-19, 18:57:03
WOW, second good skin for XMPlay!