Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#62 - eo rated this file on 2011-01-24, 11:23:18
like !
#61 - SAH commented this file on 2010-04-18, 11:29:54
#60 - Daniel Knight commented this file on 2009-11-12, 13:41:48
Neither in Windows XP or Windows Vista can I associate xmplay with an audio file, so that when I click the file it is played in xmplay, instead its played in winamp or wmp, and so I can't use foxytune for firefox to play audio filles using xmplay. Can you please make an alternative installer that allows it to be associate with files please, why do you think your player is unpopular compared to winamp? Big duh. It's as if you don't use your own software despite having promoted it for many years.
#59 - Daniel Knight rated this file on 2009-11-12, 13:40:59
Neither in Windows XP or Windows Vista an I associate xmplay with an audio file, so that when I click the file it is played in xmplay, instead its played in winamp or wmp, and so I can't use foxytune for firefox to play audio filles using xmplay. Can you please make an alternative installer that allows it to be associate with files please, why do you think your player is unpopular compared to winamp? Big duh. It's as if you don't use your own software.
#58 - sabatino rated this file on 2006-11-27, 21:41:57
great great great player
#57 - André Studart rated this file on 2006-11-24, 20:08:15
Cara o melhor player que eu ja vi...
Você pode estar jogando fazendo o que for ele vai mudar embora possa demorar um pouco mas e muito bom alem de ser leve e ter otimos skins.
Da ate pra enganar achando que e o windows media player ou o winamp...
#56 - nvc commented this file on 2006-11-24, 19:53:32
Great Oldschool Player - luv the Tracker Visoalization - keep goin !
#55 - dj snak rated this file on 2006-11-24, 18:50:45
facil rapido comfiable
#54 - Hugo rated this file on 2006-11-24, 03:49:12
Cool Player but Need more work.
#53 - drdream rated this file on 2006-11-23, 06:57:00
it's just the best :)
#52 - Миха из Ро rated this file on 2006-11-22, 17:04:45
Очень хорошая быстрозагружаемая программа. Слушать музыку - одно удовольствие.
#51 - eChuot rated this file on 2006-11-22, 00:48:19
> XMplay là phần mềm rất tuyệt, tôi yêu phần mềm miễn phí.
> XMPlay is very great, i love freeware
> Thanks a lot
#50 - Rod3n rated this file on 2006-11-20, 21:10:44
Spettacolare! Piccolo e potente :)
#49 - adil commented this file on 2006-11-20, 17:20:32
#48 - Natalka rated this file on 2006-11-19, 22:22:30
Fajny programik no i przydatny...dzieki niemu mogę oglądac teledyski na portalach internetowych:)
I like it:)))))
#47 - KaAnToR! rated this file on 2006-11-17, 21:22:19
Wonderful player which i discovered thanks to [the legendary] Skaven (from Future Crew demoscene team - who advises your
player for playing his music files (mods and so on) there. XMPlay + Belle & Sebastian
now in the speakers ... wonderful combination! ... big THNX for sharing it Ian !!!
#46 - Raq rated this file on 2006-11-17, 09:48:58
calkiem ciekawy programik. wart sciagniecia w kazdym badz razie. dla mnie na 4
#45 - giveme5 rated this file on 2006-11-16, 19:56:31
Very very Great !
No setup need! I like green software!
Execellent preread almost full id3v1 and id3v2 information of internet mp3,which winamp didn\'t have this function at all,but this the most important function of web2.0!
Small memory needed! Small disk space need!
Read whole track mp3 into memory, so no more harddisk I/O need ,and this especially useful for internet mp3 to save bandwidth for most good
Beautiful Imac Skin!
By the way, also very very important ! Sometimes even my computer affected trojan(,malware or virus), Xmplayer still play music very well like nothing happened, but winamp will stuck my system for its extreme high cpu usage!Oh my god!
Anyway,Thank you very much ,guys!
Thank you for your efforts to make life go better with Xmplayer!
#44 - Charlie T. commented this file on 2006-11-15, 01:46:55
I love music,so i`m goin to download XMPlay,seems good. : )
#43 - RMS rated this file on 2006-11-13, 07:19:08
A really cool player with so many options and extensibility yet a very small and light weight process not burderning the system... good going!!!
#42 - Jett commented this file on 2006-11-12, 18:59:48
andy, there's no overlap you rated the program 1/5?
#41 - én commented this file on 2006-11-11, 07:28:32
király a progi
#40 - Andy rated this file on 2006-11-06, 23:25:25
Not a bad player and the audio is problem....there is NO overlap setting of which winamp has.
#39 - Miljenko rated this file on 2006-11-06, 10:47:30
Great software
#38 - aldo rated this file on 2006-11-06, 06:47:46
i love
#37 - Frater Sinister rated this file on 2006-11-04, 23:50:46
Absolutely perfect. Good job Ian Luck!
#36 - Sachu rated this file on 2006-11-04, 10:10:09
Lean n totally fat free with good performance, plays enough formats, ready-to-use (no installation, so can run off flash drives directly too), has skins n plugins.
#35 - Андрей rated this file on 2006-11-03, 22:03:39
Я люблю этот плеер)
i love this player!
#34 - mp rated this file on 2006-11-03, 07:05:36
fast-clean-light: wmplay has all i was looking for! really a good job! no more wa wmp etc thanks!
#33 - User commented this file on 2006-11-01, 19:55:22
Nice, Very nice i realy like it
#32 - Michele rated this file on 2006-11-01, 15:46:53
Great software.. Low amount of memory and good performances!!!
#31 - Albert rated this file on 2006-10-31, 21:09:37
Very good
#30 - L'gy'hx rated this file on 2006-10-31, 20:18:17
Wspanialy program! Maly, szybki, bez zbednych bajerow! Great Stuff! Thx!!!
#29 - hagm rated this file on 2006-10-26, 12:03:25
#28 - WolfRam rated this file on 2006-10-25, 23:51:31
Got no words for this :D ... its the best thing in the universe right now :D
#27 - moo rated this file on 2006-10-25, 16:41:16
XMplay rocks!
people having skips like Jan or William, increase the audio buffer length in options (Device section)
#26 - Jan rated this file on 2006-10-25, 07:30:30
It's light, fast, and with plui-ins it plays every audio type I use = great.
One minor thing: at least with default skin, you can't exit program by right-clicking icon is task bar and then clicking "Close" in menu, like other Win apps. Have to left-click -> close XMplay clicking "X" in upper right corner.
Secondly, I use XMplay mostly with Explorer or alternative file manager, i.e. going to directory with audio files, selecting files with mouse and then right-clicking and selecting "Open with XMplay". Works fine, but when all songs are played, I can't play them all again by pushing Play-button like with WinAmp, only the last song starts.
And sometimes XMplay goes nuts with that Explorer method when hard disk is busy: plays only first second of the first song, silence, first second of second song,... I think WinAmp plays them correctly even when hard disk is busy.
BTW, is the version number shown somewhere in XMplay?
#25 - kzo rated this file on 2006-10-14, 06:48:12
this is perfect
#24 - Uber0n rated this file on 2006-10-13, 20:28:27
Well this is _THE_ program for web radio ;)
I love it! Thank you a lot!
#23 - AggettT rated this file on 2006-10-09, 15:57:23
Superb Player. Played MO3 file other players wouldn't with no problem.
#22 - William commented this file on 2006-10-05, 16:13:06
Great player, just what I was looking for, especially the fast startup.
One grumble is that other pc activity steals focus and xmplay playback pauses momentarily.
Other than that and the terrible default skin :D
keep up the good work
#21 - avator /unlimit rated this file on 2006-10-05, 10:02:54
great player! winamp's alternative! only XMPlay! hello from russian demoscene!
(sorry my english :)
#20 - Profound rated this file on 2006-10-04, 08:44:11
Great program! Have been using it for years \o/
#19 - Projektohr (user since 3.2) commented this file on 2006-10-03, 06:46:05
Dudes! Task-Priority! Dont wanna set that manually in windows all the time (important for background playing during games to prevent skips).
#18 - Gil rated this file on 2006-10-01, 20:12:40
Very cool!!! It's an dream!
#17 - Arafat rated this file on 2006-09-26, 06:03:49
The Best Audio player i have ever used.....Thanx to XMPlay developers..but it would be much better if XMPlay support videos also...XMPlay is the best Audio player..Hurry Download your copy now.......
#16 - Angel Perez commented this file on 2006-09-24, 12:28:33
How do I know what is the version I have currently installed?
#15 - ipa commented this file on 2006-09-22, 19:09:39
excelente reproductor ,estara la version en español?
#14 - Fatal1st rated this file on 2006-09-20, 08:58:15
Самый лучший в мире. Тока нужна поддержка 5.1 :( The Best.
#13 - CRJm rated this file on 2006-09-18, 00:24:57
Likkle but i tallawah! Luv it! This is how programs should be. Give you what you really use at a reasonable size. Check out !
#12 - pcmania rated this file on 2006-09-15, 22:18:04
El mejor reproductor de mp3 que he probado, lo uso desde siempre, porque ya ni me acuerdo las porquerías que me vi obligado a usar para poder reproducir mp3. De rebote en una maquina que me trajeron para reparar estaba el XMPlay y desde entonces no uso otro reproductor. Del Options and stuff, donde puedo conseguir información en castellano?
#11 - none rated this file on 2006-09-15, 18:40:46
good playa
#10 - _cybersquatter rated this file on 2006-09-14, 17:45:36
best player! thanks! ;)
#9 - drumon commented this file on 2006-09-11, 11:10:27
It's awesome!!!
#8 - raina commented this file on 2006-09-10, 13:28:40
So not like me to typo a guy's name, sorry Matepora.
#7 - raina commented this file on 2006-09-10, 13:27:49
@Mantepora, what are you talking about? XMPlay can too play tons of online radio streams.
#6 - cajetan commented this file on 2006-09-09, 13:17:06
the best player in the world
#5 - hess commented this file on 2006-09-08, 17:33:11
The best, easy and usefull player in the world
#4 - filip commented this file on 2006-09-08, 06:46:26
man the hell with winamp
#3 - Matepora rated this file on 2006-08-22, 06:05:18
cant play online radio :S, put is the best of the best =)
#2 - Yoshio Montejano rated this file on 2006-07-23, 03:37:28
please add Scroll title in the windows taskbar for xmplay
#1 - yoshio Montejano rated this file on 2006-07-15, 04:28:08
add Scroll title in the windows taskbar for xmplay