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Skins (146)

Visuals (115)

Input Plug-ins (35)

Output Plug-ins (5)

General Plug-ins (11)

Archive Reader (16)

Input Plug-ins (40)

DSP Plug-ins (10)

Tag Editing Plug-ins (6)

External Encoders (3)

External Add-ons (16)

XMPlay Archive (69)

Extra Tools
SNESamp 3.3.4
by Alpha-II Productions
posted on 2011-01-31

A plug-in for Winamp and XMPlay that plays music files (.SPC) from Super NES games.

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#7 - Ville rated this file 5 stars on 2013-03-08, 21:27:44
You can unpack RSN files with 7-Zip to extract individual SPC songs. Playing RSN with SNESamp and XMP-RAR seems to only allow you to play the first song in the package.

#6 - anonymous commented this file on 2011-05-20, 21:44:21
the voice mute sliders do not work in xmplay.. the box appears then immediately closes when a song opens.

#5 - Anthony rated this file 4 stars on 2011-01-27, 15:05:31
This plugin does not support unicode. Thus, if you decide to name your spc files using Japanese, or worse, any folders in the path address, you're screwed.

#4 - zendar rated this file 5 stars on 2010-01-15, 09:04:45
thanks kraus!

#3 - Kraus rated this file 5 stars on 2008-02-10, 09:11:11
should mention that you need xmp-rar


#2 - SaxxonPike commented this file on 2007-08-09, 18:18:21
This causes problems when right-clicking in the playlist.

#1 - Random rated this file 5 stars on 2006-12-26, 17:33:33
The one and only!
Best SPC and RSN plug-in to date.