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Extra Tools
by Stanton
posted on 2006-04-23

This skin is based on "Windows Classic" by Thomas "Rah'Dick" Radeke.

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#9 - Vicente Ruíz Cruz. rated this file 5 stars on 2017-03-21, 18:31:12
Muy buen diseño, me gusta.

#8 - Bogdan rated this file 4 stars on 2012-10-05, 00:15:51
I like this skin.
It has a i486 look&feel to it, and i used to enjoy that pc :)

Thanls Stanton for making it i'm happy with it :)

#7 - Stanton commented this file on 2011-11-16, 23:41:19
holy crap this is still up? wow.. i was like 17 ish... haha. i kinda personally think it's rather crappy.. but hey it was my first.. impressed some of you liked it. maybe i shall make a new skin? who knows. notice my spelling is much better than it was in 2006?
hey i know how to do 8bit art domi maybe i can fix ya up with something.. i do not promise on any of these ideas for i often come up with ideas and suddenly either forget or just never get to it..

#6 - domi382 rated this file 5 stars on 2011-02-05, 07:00:38
looks 8-bitish Thumb Up!

#5 - Rockman X rated this file 1 star on 2006-11-23, 06:17:31
- Cool Name (Only The Name)

- Ugly Design
- Ugly Colors
- Ugly Letters
- Poor Features
Total = 1 Stars
Rating System:
5 stars = Great Skin,Originality,Features,Improve Playlist
4 stars = Good Skin
3 stars = Regular skin, could be better
2 stars = Poor Skin, Poor originality,Ugly design
1 stars = This Skin S*Cks,

#4 - hojn rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-08, 14:48:10
okay colour are quite ugly however I find an updtad and free of bugs classic skin.
Good Job !
So yesterday I have rated too fast windows classic 2:not very useful with too small play buttons..not so good as the windows classic.

So Nightwish is good ;)

#3 - Ralesk commented this file on 2006-06-11, 04:16:06
Thumbs up for that, and good luck kicking the ass of everyone else ;)

#2 - Stanton commented this file on 2006-04-26, 04:19:10
yes i agree some of it is cheap but bare with me this was for me to learn how to skin and recolor/remix other skins i im stell rather new at this
and i have made an altrent sound spectrume mainly nother color and im gona fix some more things to it and hopefly make an entire rainbow of these but no promises if and when Ian makes a compiler for skins i can tell you i well update alot more often atm it well more likely be month or maybe more or less from now untell i release i new update
im teaching my self through online lessions on how to draw better mainly anime.. none the less i hope to come out with my own buttens but for now we can only wait
and thank you for the stare :) seeing how it is my first.. i wasnt even expicting this skin to go through ok.. thought this might end up being one of them things people just hate to there death.. well i im planing starting a new skin after i figer out all this layout stuff and were i want buttens.. but untell i get better i well stick with remix's

#1 - Ralesk rated this file 1 star on 2006-04-23, 19:30:00
A pretty “cheap” remix of the skin — the inverted buttons and the green dots in the slider handles, as well as the right end of the volume and balance sliders don’t look okay to me.

Not a bad colour scheme, although too dark for my tastes. Would require more work.