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PSF - Highly Experimental 2.09
by Neill Corlett
posted on 2007-04-08

Highly Experimental is a plugin for Winamp and XMPlay that plays PSF and PSF2 files. It features a tag editor, configurable title format, options for song lengths and silence suppression, replay gain scanning, and much more.

Formerly: http://www.neillcorlett.com/he/

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#13 - jo han jo hanson jr rated this file 5 stars on 2024-05-14, 04:31:49
Excuse me, but it's the year 2024 now.

#12 - MetroAndroid commented this file on 2016-10-09, 00:47:02
Anyone experiencing issues with 2.09, you can find 2.07 here:

and 2.08 here:

#11 - anon rated this file 1 star on 2016-05-12, 14:58:58
The author has disappeared off the face of the earth and shows no interest in trying to fix any of the current compatibility issues with v2.09, namely the fact that the global volume slider DOES NOT WORK. It's highly advisable to regress to an earlier version of the plugin if you can find it. v2.07 would be ideal, but the only semi-recent version I could find was v2.05 as hosted here: http://caitsith2.com/psf/index.htm

#10 - Barrack Bombama rated this file 1 star on 2015-12-21, 03:59:04
first file to play "1-04 - Lazy Afternoons.psf2" --> BLUE SCREEN.. damn, not backuped working files gone.. sux

#9 - rnR commented this file on 2013-04-01, 18:02:24
Also gloabal volume at Output tab - not working.

#8 - rnR rated this file 4 stars on 2013-04-01, 18:01:16
The issue then HE plugin dont see *.psflib file in arhive is only affecting one kind of *.minipsf files (the smallest ones).

#7 - 2Shirt rated this file 4 stars on 2011-04-29, 01:49:15
Works great, but there is an issue playing files inside a zip/rar/7z/etc... I think it is an issue with XMPlay being able to see the *psflib file. Just extract and enjoy!

(XMPlay 3.5.1, Highly Experimental 2.09)

#6 - TommyB rated this file 5 stars on 2010-07-01, 06:57:20
Highly experimental ... WHERE??? It simply works! And very good, too. Many thanks!

#5 - Pepero commented this file on 2010-05-07, 17:42:41
Heeeelp me !, I just need where can i find Soundtracks for Dinocrisis 1 & 2 and Biohazard 3, I've been looking for them for days, but i can't find them ! u.u'

#4 - Anonymous commented this file on 2007-09-17, 19:56:49
Stick with v2.07. This version barely supports XMPlay.

#3 - Grendel commented this file on 2007-08-22, 16:35:37
Can't adjust volume output in this version. (works fine in 2.07, though) E-mailed the author about this, but never got a response.

#2 - v2.09 is out rated this file 5 stars on 2007-04-08, 05:22:53
New in v2.09:

* XMPlay: Fixed bug that caused non-PSF files to show improper lengths when queued in the playlist
* XMPlay: Fixed empty error dialogs at the end of every song when "Show error messages" was enabled
* Fixed a silence detection bug that, very rarely, would have caused songs to end too early
* Slight improvements in CPU usage all around, particularly when "Simulate frequency response" is enabled

#1 - Random rated this file 5 stars on 2006-12-26, 16:57:03
Play the PSF sound format files. WHAT MORE COULD YOU ASK FOR?!