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Extra Tools
Text Speech 1.01
by Denis Dubrov
posted on 2006-04-14

This Text Speech plugin makes it possible for Winamp and XMPlay to play plain text (*.txt) and XML (*.xml) files using Microsoft's Text-to-Speech engine.

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#5 - RosDos rated this file 5 stars on 2010-05-28, 05:25:57
XmPlayer amazed me with wonderful possibilities for playing music, but only ~ 10 MB size.
Wonderful to deal with I-net radio.
The Skin "old receiver is fascinating.
Visual effects in full screen it loaded too.
Method for adding and removing Plugins is that surprisingly easy. + + + + +
It would be great if XmPlayer can read CD and DVD image formats ISO, NRG ...
Indeed, the most popular.
This will save me over 300 GB, because I keep most of discography as a DVD ISO and folders.
Worst comment is to "Playlist" - it has more history and a "library" does not support aspects.
Overall 5 +.

#4 - k rated this file 1 star on 2009-03-20, 01:50:48
this works for small texts, if the text is big it crashes.
lacks some options to change tts pitch, crashes with utf-8 encoded text file too.

#3 - Dragos rated this file 4 stars on 2007-09-30, 15:14:13

#2 - sebe rated this file 4 stars on 2007-03-23, 16:02:21

#1 - Zaorish rated this file 1 star on 2007-02-25, 15:28:07
Doesn't work.