by Ben Anderson
posted on 2004-01-04

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#6 - RedRiceYT rated this file 2 stars on 2020-07-04, 16:55:50
my eyes hurt

#5 - Atomika commented this file on 2019-11-30, 23:05:05
My eyes! My eyes!!! Aaargh...

No, no, no. Just no. Sorry.

#4 - 2016_Very_pratical's_fellow rated this file 5 stars on 2016-03-20, 20:34:58
[forget to rate before..]

One of the best features that we see on XMPlaey, is low resource consumption, (and of course development level customesation and versatility), but for the 1st attribute that i mencion, this skin is as well the reflection of that (very small on screen, low profile).. can be allways on top than never interrupts the work.

As my friend said, very pratical.. and have a nice strong color.. i love it :)

Thanks artist Ben Anderson

#3 - 2016_Very_pratical's_fellow commented this file on 2016-03-20, 20:33:56
One of the best features that we see on XMPlaey, is low resource consumption, (and of course development level customesation and versatility), but for the 1st attribute that i mencion, this skin is as well the reflection of that (very small on screen, low profile).. can be allways on top than never interrupts the work.

As my friend said, very pratical.. and have a nice strong color.. i love it :)

Thanks artist Ben Anderson

#2 - 2016_Very_practical rated this file 5 stars on 2016-03-20, 20:16:52
Very good job.. nice creation Ben Anderson!! 5*s

btw, this is used in one aerospace laboratory in europe, because the practicability that provides.. so HI 5 man :)

Thanks Ben Anderson :)

#1 - Stevie rated this file 3 stars on 2007-07-12, 02:49:36
SmallBlue is not for the visually impared, as the typeface is very small on a screen with normal resolution, besides having a black-on-blue color scheme. It makes my eyes hurt from squinting.

But I can't help it! There's something about a geometrically palatable style that makes this skin the only one I use.