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Skins (147)
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XMPlay Archive (70)
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#7 - c4d0rn4 rated this file on 2008-12-02, 21:33:10
It's my favorite! Nice work!
#6 - AMPer rated this file on 2007-11-13, 00:11:44
Rad design. I don't like the colours though. I'm mostly using this at night when other skins suck.
#5 - mikeF rated this file on 2007-06-16, 22:40:08
XMPlay 3.4 fixed the track time display issue I mentioned before.
#4 - yachtboy rated this file on 2007-05-30, 13:04:39
My all time favorite! Perfect size when in mini mode with just the right info.
#3 - mikeF rated this file on 2006-12-31, 13:13:08
This is the only skin I use anymore. Only gripe is the 1/10th second counter in the track time partially extends beyond the display frame when in full mode.
#2 - dotpitch rated this file on 2006-05-13, 16:53:33
Pretty blue skin. One of my favorites.
#1 - Mark rated this file on 2006-04-26, 01:56:57
This skin is great!