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Skins (146)

Visuals (115)

Input Plug-ins (35)

Output Plug-ins (5)

General Plug-ins (11)

Archive Reader (16)

Input Plug-ins (40)

DSP Plug-ins (10)

Tag Editing Plug-ins (6)

External Encoders (3)

External Add-ons (16)

XMPlay Archive (69)

Extra Tools
by Thomas Radeke
posted on 2004-02-25

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Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.


#10 - rikz10 rated this file 5 stars on 2017-12-24, 14:46:08
My everyday skin (#1 in my preferences) Great job!

#9 - Nicolas @ b&f rated this file 5 stars on 2013-05-08, 17:12:35
Thomas Radeke is a great inspiration for the Skinning Community. Please come back to the skinning world.

#8 - rook2pawn commented this file on 2010-10-04, 09:31:04
Always come back to this skin.

#7 - tayako rated this file 5 stars on 2008-04-17, 17:49:24
Still my favourite after all these years. <3

#6 - Cheyenne rated this file 3 stars on 2007-10-16, 19:10:13
Very nice design with subtle colors. This could be the perfect small skin but the fonts and graphic edges are rough, need to be made crisper.

#5 - Thomas commented this file on 2006-07-17, 21:44:00
@Bazooka, Joseph, John, Harold, Steve or whoever you are: If I wanted a more polished design, I had made it like that. If you don't like the font, go and modify the source. Poorly designed graphics? Do it better then and stop ranting about every skin you see.

By the way, I can see all of your comments at a glance. And your IP. You're Canadian, right?

#4 - Steve rated this file 2 stars on 2006-07-17, 15:31:11
Nice idea, poorly designed graphics. Should be more a more polished design. Fonts lack sharpness.

#3 - Ilario rated this file 5 stars on 2006-06-29, 13:10:47
I love it... amazing work!

#2 - Tony rated this file 5 stars on 2006-05-05, 07:32:33
This skin will be must de default skin, is really good.
Es claro, conciso y agradable a la vista. Muchas gracias.

#1 - Y@nekĀ® rated this file 5 stars on 2006-04-22, 18:51:08
For me this is the best skin for XMPlay.