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Skins (146)

Visuals (115)

Input Plug-ins (35)

Output Plug-ins (5)

General Plug-ins (11)

Archive Reader (16)

Input Plug-ins (40)

DSP Plug-ins (10)

Tag Editing Plug-ins (6)

External Encoders (3)

External Add-ons (16)

XMPlay Archive (69)

Extra Tools
by Saul
posted on 2003-06-20

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#4 - plf rated this file 5 stars on 2010-07-07, 20:50:52
The default skin is so ugly... I needed this one to calm down ;)

#3 - zz rated this file 5 stars on 2009-06-01, 08:57:54
he lacks the only changes of the colour

#2 - AMPer rated this file 3 stars on 2007-11-13, 00:08:03
I like that it's all gray and not mixed up with other colours. However, I'd prefer to choose a colour for this skin myself rather than being stuck to the gray tone preconfigured.

#1 - sharrow_k rated this file 5 stars on 2007-10-16, 13:18:57
i've been using xmplay for years now. having tried all of the skins on offer, this one's my fave. lots of artists have played with the idea of a two-color skin.... imho it often turns out sort of stark and distracting and feels forced.
the design of this skin here is so damn clean. i go thru phases when it comes to the look of, well, anything - sometimes i hate it, sometimes i love it, whatever, it's an oscillation - but the worst this skin ever gets from me is calm appreciation. it just never gets annoying. i guess that's why it's called `calm.`

good job, saul.