Bonjour, BS2000
by Danny Trommer
posted on 2021-12-06
This skin uses the ZIP-based system, so the sources are available by opening it in ZIP software.

5 themes are included.

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#40 - Lil KeyKey rated this file 5 stars on 2024-02-07, 16:08:14
Lovely colors, cute pixelart.

#39 - Aditya rated this file 5 stars on 2016-05-13, 10:41:50
Thank you! This is what I was looking for... a tiny, clear-view, simple skin.

#38 - Opicron rated this file 5 stars on 2014-12-24, 15:46:31
This skin brings back the years ;) oldskool! My new favorite.

#37 - Seth rated this file 5 stars on 2014-03-13, 07:51:04
This is, for me, the default skin for XMPlay (ao-iro). I mostly use the mini mode: it's minimal, unobtrusive and nice looking, I can keep the window open and on top while I work without it interfering in any way whatsoever, but still giving me information about what's playing and the most important controls in 11x140 pixels.

#36 - Moody rated this file 5 stars on 2012-01-31, 00:07:51
Ever since this skin has been released I'm using it at home and in the office. Several colleagues asked my which player I'm using since they were impressed by this skin. It compliments my desktop and workplace so nicely that I just wanted to say thanks. Moody.

#35 - ray commented this file on 2012-01-21, 11:02:09
Good looking but unreadable and completely useless if your songs have non-ASCII titles (say Chinese or Japanese).

#34 - Sander rated this file 5 stars on 2012-01-02, 17:13:10
Best skin ever developed for XMPlay. I´ve been using it for at least 2.5 years.

#33 - fluxord rated this file 5 stars on 2011-06-23, 01:45:23

#32 - Caya rated this file 5 stars on 2011-05-02, 21:21:58
Muchas gracias por esta joya!

#31 - ReVisor rated this file 5 stars on 2011-04-10, 18:48:53
This skin is just like a coffee in the morning. I can't live without it.

#30 - Sighter rated this file 5 stars on 2010-10-02, 11:37:30
I don't even remember for howmany years I'm actually using this wonderful skin on my desktop. Can't think of what I'd be using if this one wouldn't exist. Excelent!

#29 - Solong rated this file 5 stars on 2010-05-31, 22:20:10
I don't knowhowlong I'm using this skin now. Must be several years.

#28 - lovely rated this file 5 stars on 2009-09-10, 05:39:47
This skin is my absolute favorite!!

#27 - Oh my rated this file 5 stars on 2008-08-06, 18:21:55
Just changed to XMPlay and tried all the skins. This one was one of the few that really struck me.

#26 - Headattack rated this file 5 stars on 2008-07-15, 21:49:16
I'm changing the color themes once a week, however I never changed the skin. Just the best eyecandy on my desk!

#25 - Munchener rated this file 5 stars on 2008-06-10, 21:44:27
As I'm working with this skin for so many years now and never felt the need for another one it's time to give this one my 5-star rating. Well done!

#24 - Bebop rated this file 5 stars on 2008-03-17, 21:34:53
Simply the most elegent skin for my desk. Through the available colour shemes I'm always in the position to adapt it to my changed requirements. Just too cool.

#23 - initial commented this file on 2008-03-14, 21:25:15
great skin, supertiny, though, at the high resolution my monitor is set to i can barely make out the text. besides that, as i saaid, great skin. is it possible to resize it?

#22 - Sgt. Pepper rated this file 5 stars on 2007-12-13, 23:15:46
I do appreciate this skin being around for all the time since v3 release. It's a great user experience I've made with it, so I won't change it even if there are various new skins available now.

#21 - K2 rated this file 5 stars on 2007-12-07, 21:38:56
Thanks so much dude. Love it.

#20 - Norskor rated this file 5 stars on 2007-12-02, 01:01:45
Just because I'm never getting tired of this skin. Using it for years nowand still won't user another one.

#19 - Shinchan rated this file 5 stars on 2007-11-06, 09:35:49
My alltime fav skin. Whenever I'm testing a new skin I'm always gettiing back to use this one. It's just so functional and cute. Thanks so much for it.

#18 - Jimmy rated this file 5 stars on 2007-10-29, 23:09:27
That's the mojo feeling I get with this skin. No useless plugs, just thoughtful placed elements. This skin is my all time favourte.

#17 - Cheyenne rated this file 3 stars on 2007-10-16, 19:06:47
Nice design and colors but too much information packed into a space that's too small Song titles get cut off unless they are very short.

#16 - anonymous rated this file 5 stars on 2007-09-17, 19:49:59
Best skin for any player. Period.

#15 - Anonymous rated this file 5 stars on 2007-07-11, 23:25:36
Best. Skin. Ever.

#14 - Dimon rated this file 4 stars on 2007-05-22, 09:08:30
Great Skin! Thanks a lot!
But it does not work property with the Cyrillic. How can it be cure?

#13 - Edisson rated this file 5 stars on 2006-11-07, 21:14:21
This skin gives me the real demoscene feeling on my desk. It's also featured in the spanish demo scene production 'Modplanet'.

#12 - Grendel rated this file 5 stars on 2006-10-29, 05:46:54
Absolutely love the "aka daidaiiro" color scheme. This is, by far, my favorite skin.

#11 - Weezer rated this file 5 stars on 2006-10-25, 08:19:57
Rad design. Just for purists and lovers of minimalistic art. Just for me.

#10 - Dragster rated this file 5 stars on 2006-10-24, 22:57:11
Finest skin on the planet. I could use that one forever without getting sick of it.

#9 - X-Ray rated this file 5 stars on 2006-08-04, 19:05:11
A skin to die for. Though the standard colour sheme is not one of my likes, the other themes fit so well on ma screen --

#8 - Rez rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-18, 20:29:21
Friggin best skin Ive seen for any player around. G rez

#7 - Harold rated this file 2 stars on 2006-07-17, 15:27:40
To hard on the eyes, playlist in main window not very useful because it only shows a very small part of the song titles.

#6 - Multi Shift rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-09, 21:33:25
this skin goes so nicely with my nova desk arrangement. xmplay rules!

#5 - kamnet rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-09, 11:54:48
By far the best of all the compact skins. How can you NOT love this one?

#4 - rockstar rated this file 5 stars on 2006-07-01, 12:02:58
tha dopest skin ever, will use that one forever

#3 - joel rated this file 5 stars on 2006-06-22, 14:27:40
the skin gives you the power back!
woe to the green colour sheme, it fits to awesome to my desk man.
with this skin i like xmplay much more than before.

#2 - Hai-tani rated this file 5 stars on 2006-06-13, 21:17:04
best compact skin for this great player, highly readable, customisations can be easily applied.

#1 - turtaf rated this file 5 stars on 2006-04-21, 11:44:03
great, a great set of skin, small and compact, but plenty of features.
everything I need to command my xmplay in a small corner of the screen...

thanks a lot