Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
Input Plug-ins (36)
Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
This plugin is designed to improve audio by compensating the lack of fidelity in an usual audio system connected to the PC. If you have a very good audio system, most of the times this plugin will make it sound even better.
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#25 - Tempus Edax commented this file on 2023-06-24, 03:04:20
Used this for years. Great results, good custom presets. The ONLY plugin you'll need. HIGHLY recommended!
#24 - Helinux commented this file on 2022-05-30, 01:16:45
#23 - danh commented this file on 2022-05-04, 06:57:08
Go to "Options and stuff" >> Plugins >> select on menu-drop "Winamp DSP wrapper" >> click Add >> click Config >> select "Enhance v0.17".
#22 - Joe commented this file on 2016-10-05, 13:56:43
#21 - jon rated this file on 2014-08-30, 20:36:37
12 years still using it!
#20 - jeff rated this file on 2013-03-25, 03:57:46
best ever
#19 - dj rated this file on 2012-04-09, 16:31:22
I dont know how tu used it . Please show me
#18 - Koko commented this file on 2012-03-23, 21:28:47
Best winamp DSP still xD
#17 - Carlos rated this file on 2012-03-06, 01:29:51
Una vez mas.... Excelente ché... Carlos desde Argentina
#16 - PRAFUL rated this file on 2012-02-05, 10:26:45
#15 - romu commented this file on 2012-01-22, 21:11:05
perfect thx !!
#14 - VlaxMedia rated this file on 2011-05-10, 14:51:21
Best enhancer and dsp ever made !
I like to create my own preset.
#13 - Ole rated this file on 2011-04-17, 04:00:29
Cools DSP
#12 - Juan rated this file on 2007-09-23, 12:49:53
Excellent enhancer!. Perhaps even a must-have, since it makes XMPLay sound way better than any other player I know. Thank you.
#11 - rick rated this file on 2007-09-05, 10:41:18
very nice plugin, a little more help on each ´range´ control mean... but very nice... some firewalls can warn you of hooking/intrusion behavior... because program hook windows... but surely it´s safe to trust.
for showing the enhancer´s window close xmplay and click a a .reg file with
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ioscasoft\Enhancer\Version 017]
"Window State"=dword:00000002
#10 - adeerre rated this file on 2007-08-20, 23:10:51
excellent, but it is possible activate an icon in the task bar?for fast acces to control of plugin i say
#9 - Edwin Franco rated this file on 2007-07-10, 02:26:48
Es un plugins muy bueno. Cuando se instala, es algo complicado encontrarlo y activarlo, pero una vez hecho esto, puede producir efectos increibles, es Muy Bueno :-D. Me ocurría lo del movimiento del mouse, pero en mi equipo anterior. Pero con mi monstruo actual, no volvió a ocurrir.
#8 - ahjefri rated this file on 2007-05-05, 07:31:26
this is the best ever , DSP,, though it's old,, but the best, no problem what's ever, and it's skinnable ,
#7 - RockmanX rated this file on 2006-11-24, 03:46:00
Its Too Old have some bugs.
#6 - Thomas commented this file on 2006-11-14, 22:26:45
@Luiz: I tested the plugin several times and I'm sure that there's nothing evil inside. Neither my firewall nor my anti virus/malware protection found anything. Are you sure that your warnings originated from this plugin?
#5 - Luiz (Brazil) commented this file on 2006-11-11, 01:51:14
This Plugin espionage your computer, I instaled it and my firewall acuses it, it looks mouse moviments, sites and etc.. The sound really gets better, but it has a price...
#4 - Angel Pérez commented this file on 2006-09-24, 12:43:39
this Enhancer simply does NOT work with Xmplay (3.3.05), any suggestions?
#3 - Dolf rated this file on 2006-05-08, 13:14:50
XM Play skin I meant...
#2 - Dolf rated this file on 2006-05-08, 13:13:55
thumbs up! improved sound remarkably! lack of XM Play is just a minor detail....
#1 - Carlos (Argentina) rated this file on 2006-04-30, 20:20:43
Very good application.... small, portable, it's a very good enhancer!! (excuse me english please)