Enhancer v0.17
by i-adrian
posted on 2006-04-14

This plugin is designed to improve audio by compensating the lack of fidelity in an usual audio system connected to the PC. If you have a very good audio system, most of the times this plugin will make it sound even better.

Formerly: http://www.i-adrian.home.ro

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#25 - Tempus Edax commented this file on 2023-06-24, 03:04:20
Used this for years. Great results, good custom presets. The ONLY plugin you'll need. HIGHLY recommended!

#24 - Helinux commented this file on 2022-05-30, 01:16:45

#23 - danh commented this file on 2022-05-04, 06:57:08
Go to "Options and stuff" >> Plugins >> select on menu-drop "Winamp DSP wrapper" >> click Add >> click Config >> select "Enhance v0.17".

#22 - Joe commented this file on 2016-10-05, 13:56:43

#21 - jon rated this file 5 stars on 2014-08-30, 20:36:37
12 years still using it!

#20 - jeff rated this file 5 stars on 2013-03-25, 03:57:46
best ever

#19 - dj rated this file 5 stars on 2012-04-09, 16:31:22
I dont know how tu used it . Please show me

#18 - Koko commented this file on 2012-03-23, 21:28:47
Best winamp DSP still xD

#17 - Carlos rated this file 5 stars on 2012-03-06, 01:29:51
Una vez mas.... Excelente ché... Carlos desde Argentina

#16 - PRAFUL rated this file 5 stars on 2012-02-05, 10:26:45

#15 - romu commented this file on 2012-01-22, 21:11:05
perfect thx !!

#14 - VlaxMedia rated this file 5 stars on 2011-05-10, 14:51:21
Best enhancer and dsp ever made !
I like to create my own preset.

#13 - Ole rated this file 5 stars on 2011-04-17, 04:00:29
Cools DSP

#12 - Juan rated this file 5 stars on 2007-09-23, 12:49:53
Excellent enhancer!. Perhaps even a must-have, since it makes XMPLay sound way better than any other player I know. Thank you.

#11 - rick rated this file 5 stars on 2007-09-05, 10:41:18
very nice plugin, a little more help on each ´range´ control mean... but very nice... some firewalls can warn you of hooking/intrusion behavior... because program hook windows... but surely it´s safe to trust.

for showing the enhancer´s window close xmplay and click a a .reg file with

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Ioscasoft\Enhancer\Version 017]
"Window State"=dword:00000002

#10 - adeerre rated this file 5 stars on 2007-08-20, 23:10:51

excellent, but it is possible activate an icon in the task bar?for fast acces to control of plugin i say

#9 - Edwin Franco rated this file 4 stars on 2007-07-10, 02:26:48
Es un plugins muy bueno. Cuando se instala, es algo complicado encontrarlo y activarlo, pero una vez hecho esto, puede producir efectos increibles, es Muy Bueno :-D. Me ocurría lo del movimiento del mouse, pero en mi equipo anterior. Pero con mi monstruo actual, no volvió a ocurrir.

#8 - ahjefri rated this file 5 stars on 2007-05-05, 07:31:26
this is the best ever , DSP,, though it's old,, but the best, no problem what's ever, and it's skinnable ,

#7 - RockmanX rated this file 1 star on 2006-11-24, 03:46:00
Its Too Old have some bugs.

#6 - Thomas commented this file on 2006-11-14, 22:26:45
@Luiz: I tested the plugin several times and I'm sure that there's nothing evil inside. Neither my firewall nor my anti virus/malware protection found anything. Are you sure that your warnings originated from this plugin?

#5 - Luiz (Brazil) commented this file on 2006-11-11, 01:51:14
This Plugin espionage your computer, I instaled it and my firewall acuses it, it looks mouse moviments, sites and etc.. The sound really gets better, but it has a price...

#4 - Angel Pérez commented this file on 2006-09-24, 12:43:39
this Enhancer simply does NOT work with Xmplay (3.3.05), any suggestions?

#3 - Dolf rated this file 4 stars on 2006-05-08, 13:14:50
XM Play skin I meant...

#2 - Dolf rated this file 4 stars on 2006-05-08, 13:13:55
thumbs up! improved sound remarkably! lack of XM Play is just a minor detail....

#1 - Carlos (Argentina) rated this file 4 stars on 2006-04-30, 20:20:43
Very good application.... small, portable, it's a very good enhancer!! (excuse me english please)