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Output Plug-ins (6)
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XMPlay Archive (70)
Skins (147)
Visuals (115)
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Output Plug-ins (6)
General Plug-ins (11)
Archive Reader (15)
Input Plug-ins (40)
DSP Plug-ins (10)
External Add-ons (16)
XMPlay Archive (70)
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#7 - beast rated this file on 2017-03-27, 23:45:39
You're absolutely right! This visual is perfect except for the tiny problem.
#6 - AA rated this file on 2013-02-13, 01:32:51
Really Cool. I love when flowers appear. Thanks.
#5 - realnabarl rated this file on 2010-11-07, 18:12:56
#4 - kasjo_peja rated this file on 2007-09-07, 14:28:23
this visual is quite simple (in a positive sense of the word) - maximum 2-3 colours used at once, shapes based usually on regularl 'flower', very often the visualisation itself covers only small part in the center of the screen. It allows your eyes to rest. I turn it on from time to time. My only complaint is that the screen freezes for 2-3sek every time the shapes change radically (happens about 4 times per minute).
#3 - Carlos rated this file on 2007-07-05, 02:13:05
This my Favorite!
#2 - guminyul rated this file on 2006-11-17, 08:21:37
My favourite. Amazing!
#1 - Suffield Deva rated this file on 2006-10-06, 15:29:43
Stunning! I love it..