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N's Vis (Fear Sphere)
by Daniel Reed
posted on 2006-04-14

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#3 - AA rated this file 4 stars on 2013-02-13, 01:53:35
Great idea. It looks like a planet with rings in deep space. What I like is that it keeps moving when music ends. I use it as animation screen instead of turn it off.
Sure I'll spend a good time editing the INI file. Thanks.

#2 - Simple Simon commented this file on 2011-04-09, 14:42:41
Oops, I meant to make the two rings "fuzzy", like this:
[n's vis (fear sphere)]
dots_visible=1 (0/1)
dots_fuzzy=1 (0/1) = {off, regular}
sphere_visible=1 (0/1)
sphere_numlines=1 (0-2500)
sphere_pulse=1 (0/1)
sphere_opaque=1 (0-2) = {clear, translucent, opaque}
sphere_fuzzy=0 (0-2) = {off, regular, super}
rings_red_visible=1 (0/1)
rings_red_fuzzy=1 (0-2) = {off, regular, super}
rings_green_visible=1 (0/1)
rings_green_fuzzy=1 (0-2) = {off, regular, super}

#1 - Simple Simon rated this file 3 stars on 2011-04-09, 14:36:51
I didn't understand what this one was trying to do at first, but it made more sense after I'd experimented with its settings - the defaults settings do not do it justice.
It's not exciting, but it is interesting and non-distracting.
Try replacing the vis.ini [n's vis (fear sphere)] section with the following:
[n's vis (fear sphere)]
dots_visible=1 (0/1)
dots_fuzzy=1 (0/1) = {off, regular}
sphere_visible=1 (0/1)
sphere_numlines=1 (0-2500)
sphere_pulse=1 (0/1)
sphere_opaque=1 (0-2) = {clear, translucent, opaque}
sphere_fuzzy=0 (0-2) = {off, regular, super}
rings_red_visible=1 (0/1)
rings_red_fuzzy=0 (0-2) = {off, regular, super}
rings_green_visible=1 (0/1)
rings_green_fuzzy=0 (0-2) = {off, regular, super}