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This plugin provides support for the USF file format, which contains all the data needed to play a song from an N64 game.
Supported extensions: .miniusf, .usf
Please use English when writing comments, and help keep the comments clean by using the forum if you have any questions.
#17 - MetroAndroid rated this file on 2016-10-13, 16:28:04
Works fairly well apart from the fact that most of the config options cause XMPlay to crash. I installed v1.1, and all the options I tried changing worked. You can get it here:
( "64th Note v1.1 binary" )
#16 - anon rated this file on 2016-05-13, 13:15:40
Eats CPU cycles like mad. My CPU fan roars like a vaccuum cleaner upon trying to render a USF track. Ditto for similar formats like 2SF. It's unlikely these plugins aim for accuracy, so much as they're just sloppily coded. Really, just don't bother.
#15 - Jez commented this file on 2014-11-28, 18:13:32
Delimis: I don't see any reference to USFLIB in in_usf.ini - I'm using the standard install that puts 2 files in my Winamp plugins directory, in_usf.ini and in_usf.dll. And yeah, I can't get it to work on Windows 8 either, even though it works on Windows 7. :-(
#14 - Delimis rated this file on 2014-11-16, 05:59:01
Got it to play Tetrisphere music on Windows 8.1 running XMPlay You may need to edit in_usf.ini so that it also reads off the USFLIB that should be enclosed with your USF files. You can also go the other way and rename your USFLIB to the corresponding entry in in_usf.ini.
#13 - Warning rated this file on 2013-01-15, 03:35:38
#12 - Kyle commented this file on 2012-10-06, 10:46:12
I bet the USF was (Made in China) LOL
#11 - Kyle commented this file on 2012-10-06, 10:44:55
I cannot play Mario Party music files for some reason while other files work just fine.
With MP Winamp crashes. I guess they must've dumped it bad and how it got passed quality control I'll probably never know. :(
#10 - 2Shirt rated this file on 2011-04-29, 01:39:47
Works great, but there is an issue playing files inside a zip/rar/7z/etc... I think it is an issue with XMPlay being able to see the *usflib file. Just extract and enjoy!
(XMPlay 3.5.1, 64th Note v1.2 beta 3)
#9 - Zandro commented this file on 2011-02-22, 23:42:19
Hm, this crashes when attempting to disable Recompiler CPU.
#8 - Zandro commented this file on 2011-02-22, 23:41:07
Works for me! Heavy on the CPU, since you're essentially emulating the N64.
#7 - Kiopineapple commented this file on 2011-01-17, 03:07:09
This isnt working for me either.
What a shame. I just got the whole album of Mario Party In USF.
I guess i will have to stick to the jukebox in the game to hear 'Faster Than All'. :l
#6 - KatPerson commented this file on 2008-11-04, 00:07:54
#5 - johnny rated this file on 2008-11-03, 23:54:14
#4 - Terry rated this file on 2007-10-20, 15:01:06
works great on older versions of winamp
crashes latest version of winamp
so i'm using BASIC LITE again
no biggie
#3 - grady commented this file on 2007-05-25, 13:05:50
i loveyou
#2 - EaterBrain commented this file on 2007-04-13, 00:00:48
v1.2 beta 3 breaks my XMPlay for some reason:
When I try to enter the "Plugins" menu in the options it just exits without any error messages.
If I remove it from my plugin directory -- everything is fine.
I tested the privious version of this plugin (v1.2 beta 1) and it worked just fine.
#1 - 1.2 beta 3 is now out rated this file on 2007-04-08, 05:21:21
03/31/07 - 64th Note v1.2 beta 3
* Extended File Info
* Multiple user settings support
* Built with MSVS 2005 (All older versions were MSVS6)