



Quick start

Beginner's Guide

Illustrated Manual



Skins (147)

Visuals (115)

Input Plug-ins (36)

Output Plug-ins (6)

General Plug-ins (11)

Archive Reader (15)

Input Plug-ins (40)

DSP Plug-ins (10)

Tag Editing Plug-ins (6)

External Encoders (3)

External Add-ons (16)

XMPlay Archive (70)

Extra Tools
Secret INI options
by Thomas Radeke, 2006-04-18 19:58:00

Illustrated Manual - Secret INI settings

Note: some of these options are obsolete since XMPlay 3.4.

Add these lines as desired to your xmplay.ini. Use this formatting: "option=value".
Values can be 1 (on) or 0 (off).

Example: "NoCheckDead=1"

NoCheckDead - don't check if tracks are dead on startup
NoCheckScan - don't display "Title scanning in progress" warning when closing
NoFlashTotal - don't flash list time between total and selected tracks
NoListExt - don't show filetypes in extended list
NoNetErrors - don't show internet error messages
NoPanelOpen - don't open panels when switching skins
NoReg - disable all file association registry writing stuff
NoTenths - don't display 10ths in time
NoWheelVol - disable adjusting volume with mousewheel when in focus
Boost (any type/value) - set XMPlay to run at high priority